Adult woman working on computer

Adult Education

Welcome to the office for Adult Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency (HSE) and English Language Acquisition (ELA). Our mission is to provide free, quality instructional programming and support services to help adults learn English and civics, improve reading, writing, math skills and prepare to pass high school equivalency exams.

Students who successfully complete our programs acquire the skills necessary to improve employment opportunities, advance to further education or training and are more involved in their communities.

Our English Language Acquisition (ELA) classes are offered in more than 25 locations throughout our district. Chances are we are in your neighborhood – let us help you take that next step. 

Adult Basic Education is designed for adults who lack a high school diploma. Classes meet two to three days per week at the main campus in Glen Ellyn and morning or evening classes are available.

  • Build reading, writing, math and problem-solving skills. 
  • Take the first step toward obtaining high school equivalency.

Contact us today for more information at (630) 942-3697 or

Free High School Equivalency (GED) classes can help prepare adults who lack a high school diploma to successfully pass the GED®, HiSet exam or TASC test and earn a high school equivalency certificate. 

  • Prepare in five areas covered on the tests: social studies, science, interpreting literature and the arts, mathematics and writing.
  • Online classes are available to qualified students. 
  • Separate classes are available to prepare students to pass the U.S. and Illinois Constitution tests.

Spanish GED®
Free GED preparation classes prepare Spanish speaking adults who lack a high school diploma to successfully pass the GED® tests and earn a high school equivalency. Registration is offered in class. Call (630) 942-3697 for more information.

Contact us today for more information at (630) 942-3697 or

English Language Acquisition classes are free classes that will help develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills for work, education and every day communication.

  • Classes are taught by experienced faculty and at convenient days and times.
  • Books are free.
  • Express classes and free citizenship courses are available.

Contact us today for more information at (630) 942-3697 or

The English Language Studies (ELS) program offers academic English instruction for students whose first language is not English.

Register For Classes

All students must take the TABE placement test and attend a short orientation/intake session prior to registration. Placement testing, orientation and registration take approximately 2 ½ hours. Children are not allowed in the testing room so plan ahead.

Testing and registration is offered at the following locations. Call specific location for hours of availability.

All interested ELA students must take a CASAS placement test and orientation prior to registration. Placement testing, orientation, and registration take approximately 2 1/2 hours. Children are also not allowed in the testing room so plan ahead.

Call (630) 942-3697 for registration days and times.

ELA Class Locations

COD Faculty Stories

Itri Papanikolla

"Teaching at College of DuPage has been the most rewarding part of my career. I was a student here at COD when I didn’t even know how to speak English, so it has come full circle." - Itri Papanikolla

Itri's COD Story

Contact Information

Adult Education and ELA Office
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1110
(630) 942-3697

If you are attempting to register for a class, leave a message and Adult Education staff will return your call as soon as possible. You can also reach us by email at or at any time.