reporting criminal acts and emergencies image

Reporting Criminal Acts and Emergencies

Report a crime now: Call (630) 942-2000.

Per College of DuPage Board Policy 10-150, College of DuPage is committed to providing a safe and secure campus environment. On the Glen Ellyn Campus emergencies requiring immediate police assistance should be reported from the nearest phone by calling (630) 942-2000, the College Public Safety Police Department. When off Glen Ellyn campus locations, where authorized instructional or co-curricular activities are being conducted, emergencies requiring immediate police assistance should be reported from the nearest phone by calling 911. Reports of any suspicion of, or actual occurrence of, criminal activities that do not require immediate police emergency assistance should be reported to the College’s Public Safety Police Department at (630) 942-2000. Victims are urged to report the occurrence immediately and preserve any evidence which may be necessary to prove criminal conduct.

Silent Witness Program

We understand the difficulty people may experience in reporting crimes or incidents of concern to us face-to-face. We offer the Silent Witness Program to anyone who has witnessed, or knows about, a crime committed on campus.

You are welcome to send email to COD Chief of Police Kent Munsterman at with information you feel may be useful in keeping your campus safe and secure. It is important that you provide as much detail as to who, what, when and where, as possible. Your identity will be protected to the fullest extent possible. We appreciate your assistance in helping us protect your campus.