Major: Chemistry and Engineering
Aden Batool found the perfect staring place at College of DuPage.
“I was unsure of what exactly I wanted to do with my life and felt that I just had to start from somewhere,” she said. “At COD, I was beginning my educational journey and had the time to decide if chemical engineering is what I wanted to do.”
Batool also was named a Presidential Scholar, a full-tuition award for high school graduates with strong academic records. It removed the financial burden of attending college and motivated her to keep up her GPA, as well as allowing her to dive into chemistry and engineering.
“I love chemistry because it teaches us so much about the world and how it works,” she said. “The most interesting parts in chemistry are kinetics, thermodynamics and processes. It is so interesting and fascinating learning chemistry, math and physics and using that knowledge to figure out what is the most logical way to manufacture products. At COD, I am building a strong foundation in chemistry and math, which will help me transfer.”
Outside the classroom, Batool immersed herself in the many available opportunities at COD. She became an orientation leader for New Student Orientation, which pushed her out of her comfort zone and helped her improve both her communication and leadership skills.
In 2024, she was chosen through a competitive process to attend the Chautauqua Institute in upstate New York. It was the first time she traveled by herself to another state, and she lived with 11 other students for a week.
The community and all the clubs and programs allow you to explore your interests and try different things.
Aden Batool
“Each day, there was a lecture in the morning and in the afternoon based on the theme for the week, which for me was the world population and how it’s changing. It was fascinating to hear different experts’ thoughts on population growth and what impact it has on our world. I also loved the discussions called CHQ Dialogues, where anyone could discuss anything from the theme to what was on their mind. The diversity in views and the overall experience that exists in Chautauqua are what make it so unique. For example, as a Muslim, I was surprised to see so many Islamic lectures and events, which was great because I got to share my experiences and learn about other people’s experiences relating to Islam. In addition, I also learned a lot about other religions.
“My favorite part of the experience was meeting the other students. Even though everyone was coming from a different place and had different experiences and views, they were all so nice and friendly. At the end of the week, the students had to give a speech in the Hall of Philosophy about their experience and what they learned. It was a wonderful end, and I will always be grateful that I had the opportunity to go to Chautauqua since I learned and changed so much just in a week.”
While Batool is still determining her ultimate career goal, she plans to transfer and pursue a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering.
As for COD, Batool recommends it as a great place to determine what to do with your life.
“The community and all the clubs and programs allow you to explore your interests and try different things,” she said. “I feel like I have changed so much from when I started as a new student due to all the new things I have tried, which helped me be surer of what I want to do in life.”
Learn more about the Chemistry program at College of DuPage.
Learn more about the Engineering program at College of DuPage.