Student Stories: Helen “Pat” Knight

Helen “Pat” Knight

Major: Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in General Studies

When Patricia “Pat” Knight first went to college, she only had time to take courses that led directly to a degree.

“I was carrying a full load, so I could not take those other courses on subjects that fascinated me,” she said.

After two years at North Central College, she enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. She earned her officer’s commission after graduating from Colorado State University in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. Following her master’s degree in computer science at the University of Illinois, she was sent to teach at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Knight spent her entire career pursuing her passion of aviation. Along the way, she earned pilot certificates in airplanes, gliders and helicopters; additional master’s degrees in Business and Aviation Management; and an associate degree in Aviation. After retiring from the Air Force and moving back to Lemont, she worked for aviation companies as a pilot, training manager and director of operations.

She also wanted to continue her education and explore other subjects that interested her.

Adult Student Admissions at COD

“I found that College of DuPage had many of these subjects,” she said. “It was very easy to apply, transfer credits and enroll in a class. Everything fit my still-busy lifestyle, especially with online courses. I did not search much further once I started taking courses. I kept coming back to College of DuPage because it worked.”

In the process, Knight earned an Associate in Science, Associate in Arts, Associate in General Studies and Associate in Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics. In 2015, she was named one of the College’s Outstanding Graduate finalists.

Knight moved to Fort Worth, Texas, to become as a Standardization Flight Instructor for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). She worked in the Airman Training and Certification Branch, which writes FAA policy, and retired after 14 years of service.

Education continues to be a high priority for Knight, who completed a Master of Arts in Education—Mathematics with Chadron State College, part of the University of Nebraska system. And her connection to COD remains; in March 2016, her story about the early Chicago airmail routes was published in the ESSAI, the annual publication containing work from COD students. 

College of DuPage is the place to try a course with all the resources available and all the interested and dedicated instructors.

Pat Knight

In 2021, COD nominated Knight for the Lifelong Learning Award from the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA).

“I still have not found a school that offers what COD offers, especially online,” she said. “I have spent quite a bit of time searching for courses offered in the local area and for online courses I could take as a Texas resident.”

In 2023, Knight moved back to Illinois and became even more involved with COD, joining the Manufacturing Technology program as an adjunct instructor. Her COD manufacturing education, combined with her other degrees and life experience, led her to teach computer-aided drafting and design.

But she is not done yet. Spring 2025 will find her enrolled in yet another course offered at COD. Knight knows that she does not want to stop learning and believes older learners shouldn’t be afraid to start or continue their educations, especially at COD.

COD Success Stories

Perhaps the student had a bad experience in the past, or high school performance was not that great, or the older student believes there is not place in school for an older student, that the student would ‘stick out.’ Ah, nonsense! Give it a try. Take a course in your interest area. Take a course that builds on what you already know. Ease back into school and learning. College of DuPage is the place to try a course with all the resources available and all the interested and dedicated instructors. Don’t be afraid, give it a go!

“I identify most closely with older adult learners. I think this is an untapped source of potential students for COD. I was honored to be considered as an outstanding graduate, because that honor reflects on the importance of learning for the older adult.”

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