As a dual credit instructor, you play a crucial role in shaping the academic journey of high school students by offering college level-courses. To ensure a smooth and successful semester, it’s essential for dual credit instructors to stay organized and informed about tasks and deadlines. This checklist is designed to assist you in managing your responsibilities effectively.
Due One Week Before Class Begins
- Upload your syllabus to Blackboard.
- Upload your syllabus to each section of your courses within Blackboard.
Due the First Week of Class
- Distribute your approved COD syllabus.
- Share COD Dual Credit information.
- Provide students with the DualEnroll website and your course information.
Students use DualEnroll to register for your class. It is important that they have the right Dual Credit course section, so they show up on your roster.
Due the Second to Third Week of Class
- Monitor student registrations.
Check your roster in Blackboard and your high school roster to make sure students are showing up on both. If students run into problems, notify the COD Dual Credit program immediately.
Due at Midterm
- Complete midterm verification.
Check your roster in Blackboard and your high school roster to make sure students are showing up on both. If students need to drop the course, notify the COD Dual Credit program immediately. If students are attending, insert a “Y”.
Due Three Business Days after the Last Day of the Semester
- Submit final grades through Blackboard.
- Ensure the grade you enter on the student’s college record is the grade the student earned.
- Submit your syllabus renewal.
If you plan to teach the same Dual Credit course next year, submit a syllabus in DualEnroll. Work with your COD lead faculty to complete this step within DualEnroll.

Contact Information
Office of Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment
Berg Instructional Center (BIC)
(630) 942-2880
Dual Credit Inquiry Form