students digging in ruins

Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Field School

The archaeology faculty and staff of College of DuPage invite you to join our excavations at this important site in the hills of east central Czech Republic. Located between the historic cities of Brno and Olomouc, Seloutky is an early Celtic burial site with unique stone tombs.

Where: Olomouc, Czech Republic, Europe, about 2.5 hours north of Vienna and east of Prague

Cost Includes

  • Five weeks in Europe
  • Room, board (Three meals per day, five days a week - no weekends)
  • Transportation with the field school in the Czech Republic
  • Admission to museums and exhibitions with the field school 
  • Access to required equipment and miscellaneous access fees to power grids

Because of the economic situation in Europe and student feedback, more free time will be provided in place of field trips, although some trips will still take place. Field trips could include Asparn (Austria), Dolni Vestonice, Mikulcice, Modra and Sedlec (Czech Republic), Trenčín and/or Nitra and Cachtice, (Slovak Republic),* although students are also free to travel on their own or in small groups on the weekends.

*These are day trips. Transportation and admissions to destinations are included, although students are responsible for their own food and any additional fees associated with individual side trips or activities.

Tuition & Accreditation

Tuition is the same whether in or out of state. College of DuPage is fully accredited and we have transferred these courses to numerous state and private institutions. Up to nine credit hours of study will be available, pending final approval of the field logistics and permits. These will be a required course in field archaeology and a laboratory in field archaeology. Students must enroll in the field and lab archaeology components. 


Interested students can also take a course in bioarchaeology. We have access to numerous archaeologically excavated sets of human remains from the site. Dr. Michael Dietz will conduct a course in the fundamentals of bioarchaeology, based on the analysis of human skeletal remains.

charles bride

Travel Information

Airfare or other means of transport to and from the site is not included in the cost. Students will meet at our excavation location near Olomouc, Czech Republic (easily accessible by rail and bus) by the start date and will complete their trip there at the end of the program. Students will likely find it much more affordable to travel on their own using student discount rates or other personal discounts. However, once the project director has established his airfare, this will be made public and students are welcome to book travel on the same routes and carriers as the project staff. Contact Dr. Dietz for the specific details.

Traveling Faculty

All instruction is carried out in English by experienced archaeologists led by Dr. John Staeck, a veteran of more than 25 field seasons, and Dr. Michael Dietz, an experienced bioarchaeologist with field work both in the Czech Republic and Peru. There is a maximum of a 8:1 student to doctoral level faculty and we strive to maintain an overall ratio of no more than 6:1 student to faculty. We work side-by-side with our students and emphasize excavations as learning experiences rather than as a means to conduct research cheaply. Our goals center on training students in the fundamentals of archaeological excavation and field laboratory procedures as well as on learning about the past (and present) in general.

More Information

students studying deer remains

About the Research Site

As this is a recently discovered site, our excavations this summer will continue to investigate the structure, context, and meaning of the site as well as excavating at least two of the complex box graves, each containing the cremated remains of up to 25 individuals in funerary vessels

student surveying land

Teaching Methods

Excavation procedures, mapping using laser levels and total stations (laser theodolites supported by onboard computers), feature excavation, field photography, and materials recording. Any human skeletal remains that are excavated will be subjected to preliminary forensic analysis at the research facility, pending remaining excavation time and the condition of the remains.

Excavations by the Office of Archaeological Research in Prostejov have thus far focused on determining the size and basic structure of the site.  It is important to note that no one can predict exactly what will be encountered, so some variation in precisely what occurs is likely.

Photo Gallery


Pohansko Pagan Shrine
Horse Burial
Smid and Machacek
Deer Bones
Students Digging
Charles Bridge
human burial
Czech Crew
Czech Grid
mud pit
Czech Room

Explore the Czech Republic

For more information and enrollment material contact

Dr. Michael Dietz
Assistant Director, Czech American Archaeological Field School
College of DuPage
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599
(630) 942-2553

  • Dr. John Staeck, Director and Principal Faculty Member, College of DuPage, Czech American Archaeological Field School
  • Dr. Michael Dietz, Assistant Director, College of DuPage, Czech American Archaeological Field School
  • Mr. Matthew Shaw, Field Supervisor, University of Missouri, Czech
  • American Archaeological Field School
  • Ms. Kelli Keith, Lab Supervisor, Harvard University, Czech American Archaeological Field School
  • Dr. Pavel Fojtik, Office of Archaeological Research, Prostejov
  • Dr. Martin Golec, Palacký University, Olomouc