female student writing on glass physics wall

Physics Program

College of DuPage provides physics instruction using the best in educational technology and research. Physics students study laws of motion, forces, energy and momentum and learn how physics work in society and in the modern era. Take physics courses at COD and easily transfer your credits to four-year schools in the region. 

Many students take physics because they have an interest in majoring in physics or biology or to fulfill a science requirement. The Physics program has three levels of study for students interested in the field:

  1. Physics 1100 is a general survey course for liberal arts students.
  2. Physics 1201 and 1202 comprise a one-year exploration of general principles, recommended for students who want a one-year sequence of lab science and/or who intend to major in biology or a pre-professional area.
  3. Physics 2111, 2112 and 2115 is the sequence of choice for other science majors and for engineering majors.

College of DuPage offers a Physics Associate in Engineering Science Transfer Pathway degree for students who want to complete their associate degree and transfer to another institution.

Students who plan to major in physics should have a strong aptitude for mathematics. Prior to registration, you should meet with a program advisor for course selection and to determine what courses will be best for you. 

Determine Your Path

Physicists are employed in a variety of industries, conducting applied research in education and government, hospitals and clinics. They also perform fundamental research in educational and federal institution. Many physicists tend to be generalists and find jobs in unrelated fields including software development and electrical engineering.

While most physics majors go on for advanced degrees, some jobs are available for those with a bachelor's degree. Most jobs in the industry require a bachelor's or master's degree, while those doing fundamental research require a doctorate.

You want to attend a college that stands out from the rest. At COD, you'll discover:

  • Dedicated instructors with years of academic and professional experience.
  • Instruction utilizing top-notch facilities including a state-of-the-art Physics Lab..
  • Affordable programs to help students achieve success without creating overwhelming debt or draining a savings account.
  • Small class sizes that ensure students receive personalized attention. 
  • Opportunity to easily transfer engineering and physics course credits to other institutions. 

Physics Transfer Pathway

College of DuPage offers a Physics Transfer Pathway, Associate in Engineering Science. This transfer path degree plan prepares you to transfer to a baccalaureate institution.

COD Stories

Kaela Villafania

"I was astounded throughout the two years by the quality of my classes, especially STEM courses, which allowed me to be as successful and prepared as I am today." - Kaela Villafania

Kaela's COD Story

Get Started Today

The first step to getting started in physics is to apply for admission.

Academic and Career Pathways give you a roadmap to achieving your career goals. Follow a pathway based on your degree that outlines which classes you need to take and when so you graduate on time or move on to the next phase in your career.

Physics program graduates will:

  • Learn how to relate the mathematical concepts of algebra, vectors, and calculus to physical situations
  • Be able to describe motion of an object in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration
  • Gain a Newtonian view of the mechanics (e.g. understand and apply Newton’s 2nd law)
  • Understand the concept of conserved quantities (e.g. momentum, energy, and charge)
  • Have a basic understanding of coordinate systems and how to shift between different systems
  • Distinguish the concepts of fields and flux
  • Learn the ability to choose the optimal method and coordinate system to solve a physical problem (e.g. Newton’s Laws, conservation laws, etc.)
  • Understand the connection between Newtonian forces and electrical fields, electrical potential, and energy

College of DuPage has several physics transfer agreements in place with four-year colleges and universities to save you time, money and make the transfer process easier.

Many of these agreements with other colleges and universities have specific course requirements and a pre-determined course plan that needs to be followed to be eligible to transfer. Contact a program faculty member or academic advisor to learn more as course requirements vary by institution.


Bringing Fun to the Physics Classroom

Physics professor demonstrates principle

College of DuPage Physics Professors David Fazzini and Tom Carter demonstrate a physics principle by using a bed of nails, a cement block, a sledgehammer — and Fazzini's own body.

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