Shifa Living, LLC

Shifa Living

Cordelia Miller Muhammad is a licensed clinical social worker who is passionate about helping adolescents and adults remove internal distress so they can achieve mental wellness.

She has over 20 years of experience helping others apply tools that empower them. Her client focus is with Black and African American and Other Racial or Ethnic Backgrounds.

At Shifa Living they use evidence-based, practice informed interventions to bring quick relief. Cordelia says “fears and worries are like a wild animal; either you manage them, or they will manage you”. She and her therapists teach patients how to tame the animal.

Cordelia’s business, like so many others, faced a challenge during the pandemic due to the COVID virus in 2020. The decision was to shut down or find a better business model. She adjusted quickly and embraced Tele Health. Here patients have access to her in a professional and confidential environment. Her business model changed – it freed up resources to put to other uses. Cordelia used the change to completely change how her practice functions.

Her business, Shifa Living LLC, operates now under a model that works for her as an owner, a clinical therapists and boss. The model is scalable because Cordelia followed the principles of franchising. Every tool and system needs to be scalable, processes are in writing and her unique therapy approach is teachable to support business growth.

Learn more about Cordelia Miller Muhammad

Shifa Living
340 West Butterfield Road
Suite 4B
Elmhurst, IL 60126
(630) 415-2362

Contact Information

Business Development Center
535 Duane Street, Office 233
Glen Ellyn IL 60137
(630) 942-2600

Summer Hours
Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, closed
Map and Directions