The Tidy Queens Corporation

For over a decade, The Tidy Queens Corporation professionals have been working together with local businesses and residents to deliver the best rates, reliability, and services on commercial janitorial expertise of all kinds. The depth of their knowledge, training and commitment allows them to assess the needs of commercial clients to determine the service plan that meets their needs.

Their operations motto – “Our professional services are continually expanding and adapting to the needs and direction of the industry which during this time of a worldwide pandemic is health and safety through sanitation”. We look forward to keeping our customers on the forefront of cleaning and sanitizing as we continue to use leading edge equipment and products that allows us to provide a lifesaving services.

The Tidy Queens, based in Aurora, began utilizing the College of DuPage Business Development Center and Illinois SBDC @ Waubonsee Community College services in Spring 2020 as a long established commercial/residential cleaning services looking to expand in the government space. The focus was to respond to RFQ’s at the city, state and federal level. Ileen Kelly, BDC Advisor helped by demystify government contracting, assisted with their certification as a WMBE and help the client power through search tools for bid opportunities. It was recommended that they also work with the SBDC to restructure their business/strategic plans as they expand into the government space and to assist with funding opportunities to meet the demands of the expansion.

Throughout the year with over 40 contact sessions between BDC advisors, The Tidy Queens was able to position themselves to bid on open solicitations for professional cleaning services as the pandemic escalated. The Tidy Queens responded to and won contracts with the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois.

To meet the heightened demand, Harriet Parker, Manager of the SBDC at Waubonsee, tapped into her resource Robert Jaskiewicz with 12Five Capital for short term funding to help the client expand her company rapidly by investing in updated S-M-A-R-T equipment and increasing her workforce by approximately 40 new employees.

The Tidy Queens is utilizing the program fully and we look forward to the continued client relationship as they grow their business in both the commercial and government contracting space.

“I truly believe in being in the right place at the right time because I was very fortunate to have met both Ileen and Harriet. It has been a very rewarding experience since they have both offered insightful advice that has truly helped in propelling my company forward. Through various initiated strategic introductions, we have been able to secure financing and obtain better pricing on products to name a few. I have also gained valuable knowledge and through assistance was able to secure my WBE certification. This experience has truly been a life and business changer!”


Tidy Queens logo


Contact Information

Business Development Center
535 Duane Street, Office 233
Glen Ellyn IL 60137
(630) 942-2600

Regular Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Map and Directions