Ultimate Clean Janitorial Services (UCJS)

Ultimate Clean Janitorial Services (UCJS) is a Minority Woman Business Enterprise (MWBE) headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois. This organization primarily operates in commercial and office janitorial cleaning and disinfecting services. The company has been operating for approximately 2 years with timely success by capitalizing on the current demand for services in the commercial space and on the front lines of sanitizing and disinfecting work spaces to battle against the spread of Covid-19.

Keona Jordan reached out to the Business Development Center at the College of DuPage in December 2020 when she decided to expand her client base to target government contracting. She’s worked closely with Rita Haake, Program Manager who offered input on multiple proposals that resulted in winning contracts from the Illinois State Police. UCJS is now positioned to begin growing and expanding their employee base.

Keona Jordan, not only utilizes the staff's expertise to created market research but also receives daily bid opportunities through our online Bid Match service. The market research has provided useful data on janitorial contracts awarded in the client's service area, which allows the client to profile potential buyers and competitors.

Thank you Business Development Center! I will continue to use this program for your expertise and to grow my business.

Keona JordanUltimate Clean Janitorial Services

Ultimate Clean Janitorial Services

Contact Information

Business Development Center
535 Duane Street, Office 233
Glen Ellyn IL 60137
(630) 942-2600
Email: bdc@cod.edu

Regular Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Map and Directions