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Scholarships give students the opportunity to complete their education without having to incur student loan debt. Scholarship eligibility varies as do the amount of each scholarship. Scholarships can be based on academic achievement, financial need, field of study and population.

Students are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships through College of DuPage or outside resources. The more scholarships and grants you receive, the less loan money you may need to borrow to pay for your college experience.

Featured College of DuPage Scholarships

The College offers scholarships based on program, financial need or academic achievement.

Search for Scholarships

Foundation Scholarships focus on academic achievement, program or major or financial need.

Scholarships are awarded based on stated criteria and reviewer evaluation. All reviewers are required to abide by COD's core values of integrity, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

  • Fall Semester Scholarship applications accepted Feb. 1 through April 15.
  • Spring Semester Scholarship applications accepted Sept 15 through Nov. 1.

The Scholars Award Program is College of DuPage's premier merit-based scholarship program for 2024-2025 high school graduates.

A limited number of scholarships are awarded each year, so applicants should try to highlight why they stand out on their Scholars Award application.

The JumpStart Scholarship provides students that have completed a GED preparation course at College of DuPage and successfully earned their high school equivalency with a jump start into their college experience.

English Language Acquisition (ELA) students who have completed ELA-0956 and/or ELA-0958 at College of DuPage and passed the state mandated exit test are also eligible to apply for the JumpStart Scholarship.

Students must live in District 502 and must use the scholarship within 12 months of initial eligibility. Complete one of the following scholarship applications to apply. Students are only eligible to receive this scholarship once.

Students who have completed their studies at College of DuPage may be eligible for an honors transfer scholarship to Aurora University, Elmhurst University, Millikin University or North Central College.

External Scholarships

Various organizations, businesses and private individuals offer external scholarships. External scholarship opportunities are not managed by College of DuPage. Scholarship eligibility is determined by their criteria. To find external scholarship opportunities, students can visit the following websites: 

COD Stories

Xuechao Zhang

"I wouldn’t have been able to continue as a full-time student without the COD Succeeds Scholarship. COD gave me a future." - Xuechao Zhang

Xuechao's COD Story

Contact Information

Office of Student Financial Assistance
Enrollment Center
Student Services Center (SSC), Room 2280

(630) 942-2251
Fax: (630) 942-2151

Regular Hours

  • Monday and Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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