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Register for Summer Classes

All student registration for summer is underway. Summer term begins Monday, June 2 with additional sessions starting on June 16 and July 7.

Register for Classes
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Activities for Everyone

There are over 90 student clubs and organizations at COD.

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Locations in Your Neighborhood

There are four COD Centers located in District 502 offering various classes and community activities: Addison, Carol Stream, Naperville and Westmont.

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A Leading Employer in DuPage County

2,500 faculty and staff are employed at COD, designating the College as one of the largest employers in DuPage County.

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Success Stories: Cierra Desmaratti

"The most important thing for everyone to know is that a world with diversity is a much more beautiful world, it’s a much more just world and it’s a much more creative world."

Learn more about Cierra's story.

Success Stories: Vraj Patel

"College of DuPage played a vital role in helping me achieve both my educational and personal goals by providing a high-quality education, offering diverse programs and resources tailored to my field of study."

Learn more about Vraj's story.

Success Stories: Julia Foland

"A lot of people may be afraid to interact with those of other countries simply because of cultural differences. While differences exist, I realized that everyone is fundamentally very similar."

Learn more about Julia's story.

Success Stories: Jake Thurm

"COD put me on the road that led me to where I am today. I am very proud to have been a Chaparral."

Learn more about Jake's story.

Success Stories: Rima Househ

"I knew I was at the right place when I visited the MAC and saw the burst of creativity and the exquisite shows being performed."

Learn more about Rima's story.

Success Stories: Luke Buchanan

"COD kept tuition extremely low. Because of the scholarships and aid I received, I was able to graduate 100 percent debt-free."

Learn more about Luke's story.