College of DuPage’s Poll Worker Project initiative welcomes professionals and students from area college and universities to the College Poll Worker Recruitment Summit. The summit aims to share trends, best practices, and recruitment strategies to improve overall poll worker participation rates by college students in the surrounding counties.
Save the Date
Friday, April 11, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To be held at College of DuPage
Turner Conference Center, Student Resource Room (SRC) 2000
Registration information will be available soon.
Tentative Agenda
- Registration & Networking Breakfast
- Welcome & Opening Remarks
- Keynote: The Role of College Students in Democracy
- Panel Discussion: Why College Students Make Great Poll Workers
- Workshops: Overcoming Barriers to College Student Engagement
- Lunch & Networking
- Breakout Sessions: Best Practices for Recruitment
- Student Storytelling: Real Experiences from Student Poll Workers
- Workshop: Building Partnerships for Poll Worker Recruitment
- Action Plan Development: Next Steps for Campuses
- Closing Remarks & Call to Action
The COD Poll Worker Project and College Poll Worker Recruitment Summit is funded by the United States Election Assistance Commission’s Help America Vote College Program and the College of DuPage Office of Student Life.