Red heart with the words "support" on the heart

Academic Probation or Suspension Student

If you are placed on academic probation or academic suspension, Counseling Services can provide you with a variety of resources and strategies to help get you back on track.

To maintain satisfactory academic status, students must maintain a cumulative College of DuPage grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above to avoid being placed on academic probation. Failure to do so will result in consequences to academic status, federal funding and enrollment eligibility per the Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP).

Students who have not met Standards of Academic Progress will be informed via letter to their address on file that a hold has been placed on their registration. 

Upon receiving the letter, students should immediately contact Counseling Services to schedule an appointment to attend a Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP) session which will allow students to:

  • Learn more about the impacts of not meeting Standards of Academic Progress.
  • Complete a Success Agreement with a Counselor.
  • Learn to calculate your grade point average
  • Develop success strategies to improve their GPA.
  • Develop an education plan for upcoming semester(s).
  • Receive a permit to register for the following semester.

Once you are placed on academic suspension, you will need to be considered for reinstatement after completing your probation.

Academic Suspension I

Students are placed on Suspension I after serving one semester on Probation II with a cumulative and semester grade point average less than a 2.0/4.0. When final grades are posted after the Probation II semester, a student will be withdrawn from current semester courses and issued a refund. The Suspension I status will be in effect for one fall or spring semester following Probation II. A registration restriction will remain on the student's record until the cumulative grade point average reaches a 2.0 or higher. Students will be restored to good standing once their cumulative grade point average is a 2.0 or higher.

Academic Suspension II

Students are placed on Suspension II after serving one semester on Suspension I with a cumulative and semester grade point average less than a 2.0/4.0. When final grades are posted after the Suspension I semester, a student will be withdrawn from current semester courses and issued a refund. The Suspension II status will be in effect for 12 consecutive months. A registration restriction will remain on the student's record until the cumulative grade point average reaches a 2.0 or higher. Students will be restored to good standing once their cumulative grade point average is a 2.0 or higher.

Students will be considered for Academic Reinstatement following their reinstatement from Suspension I and/or II statuses. Once reinstated, course selection will be restricted and no future registration can occur until reinstatement has been approved.

In the semesters following academic reinstatement, if the semester grade point average is 2.00 or above, a student will be placed on continued suspension status until the cumulative grade point average meets the minimum of 2.00. If the semester GPA is below 2.00 and the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, the student again will be suspended. Academic warning, probation and suspension notations are recorded on the student's academic record, but not printed on the official transcript.

To pursue an appeal to request reinstatement from an Academic Suspension, complete and sign both of the following forms, and return via email to Note a decision of approval is not guaranteed.

  • A variety of academic support services are available in-person and online through the Learning Commons. Receive math, writing, reading or speech assistance or sign up for tutoring services.
  • These student success resources can help you set a schedule, stay organized, adopt new strategies for taking tests and more.
  • College Skills classes can help first-year, undecided or probation students gain skills needed to succeed in college while earning two college credits. 

Call the Counseling, Advising and Transfer Services front desk at (630) 942-2259.

  • You will receive instructions on how to complete your next steps.
  • Do not use the online booking system to schedule your appointment. This will result in your appointment being canceled.

Contact Information

Counseling Services
Student Services Center (SSC), Room 3341
Phone: (630) 942-3330

  • Monday and Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
COD Centers Hours

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