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Club Resources

Bulletin Board Posting

Only materials promoting events/services sponsored by a college department or a student club/organization may be posted on campus bulletin boards.

All materials must include the sponsoring COD group or office's contact
name and phone number. All other postings will be removed and discarded. Bulletin boards will be checked every week for outdated and non-COD related postings. For the location of the community posting board, visit the Office of Student Life in SSC 1200.

Electronic Posting Guidelines

Student clubs and organizations may request electronic posting on the Online Courses Events Calendar, outdoor LED signs, and indoor plasma screens. The plasma screens are located in all buildings on campus. The LED signs are located at the intersections of:

  • Park/College
  • Park/Fawell
  • Lambert/Fawell
  • Lambert/College

Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. To be included on these venues, the events must be located on campus with a clear student connection. Special events will be considered for posting on all locations.

Policy for Student Clubs Showing Movies

Before you do any advertising of your event in which a movie will be shown, you need to make sure you will not be violating any copyright restrictions.

All movie presentations sponsored by student clubs are considered public showings. This applies even if it is an educational film, or you are advertising only on campus, or you are not charging admission.

The vast majority of movies, both feature films and documentaries, require that a public performance license be purchased. The sponsoring student club is responsible for the funding of the purchase of the performance license. The public performance license is required even if the movie is acquired from a personal collection, a rental store, or a library. Proof of purchase of the required license or a license waiver must be provided to the Office of Student Life before any advertising may be done for your event in which a movie will be shown.

Under the Fair Use exemption, only clips of approximately three minutes in length are permitted to be shown by clubs.

The Office of Student Life staff will assist in locating the copyright holder of any film and with the purchase of the public performance license.

Additional Resources