Volunteers pose in front of a statue

COD Cares

The College’s volunteer corps, COD Cares actively supports and strengthens College of DuPage communities by fostering a culture of service among College employees, students and community members.

Roll Up Your Sleeves 2024

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From making paper and keeping COD’s prairie clean, to donating blood and recycling plastic water bottles into Chihuly-inspired art, COD Cares volunteers gave back in a big way both in and out of the classroom during annual service days. View photos from this year's activities.

Key activities included:

  • SCARCE Learn and Lend a Hand – COD Biology Professor Melanie Robinson and 15 students helped SCARCE volunteers make paper from recycled material.
  • Northern Illinois Food Bank Mobile Market – Eighteen volunteers packed and distributed groceries to more than 120 families.
  • Repurposed Art Project – More than 40 students, faculty and staff turned plastic water bottles in colorful, Chihuly-inspired art.
  • Prairie Workday – Eighteen students and staff cleared invasive species from COD’s Ecological Study Areas.
  • Sustainable Design Challenge – Architecture Mark Pearson judged the annual Sustainable Design Challenge, featuring designs from DuPage County high school student teams.
  • Spring Blood Drive – Spearheaded by COD’s ADN students and health career clubs, 61 donors gave 54 units of blood, saving up to 162 lives.
  • Feed My Starving Children – Twenty-three students and staff packed 77 boxes with 16,632 nutritious meals for children in the Dominican Republic, providing 46 children one meal daily for an entire year.

Gift of Giving 2023

Gnome-body Does it Better

COD Community, you outdid yourselves! Check out the 2023 Gift of Giving photo album.

Contact Information

Joan DiPiero
Community Engagement Coordinator
(630) 942-3872
Email: dipieroj@cod.edu