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Frequently Asked Questions & Resources

College of DuPage will not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, arrest record, military status or unfavorable military discharge, citizenship status, or physical or mental handicap or disability.

The following are answers to frequently asked questions regarding LGBTQIA+ at COD.

COD currently offers Safe Zone and ally training for employees and students to become more aware, inviting and inclusive of community members of all genders and sexual orientations.

Yes, the offices of Student Life, and Counseling Services work in partnership with Pride Alliance to create a safe and hospitable campus by offering activities; events; training sessions and counseling services.

Student Mental Health Counselors are available to assist with non-academic concerns, personal development, and special situations which may interfere with the student’s educational and personal goals through the office of Counseling Services: Services are available to all full- and part-time students enrolled at all locations of College of DuPage, as well as those students taking courses online.

Pride Alliance is available for LGBTQIA+ identifying students, allies, and others who simply want to know more about gender identity and sexuality topics. TransForm is a support-and community-based group for transgender and non-binary individuals. 

All employees who have completed Safe Zone and ally training are expected to place a placard on their door/office space identifying they are a friend to the LGBTQIA+ community.
You may add a preferred name and pronoun upon application to the college and add or change your preferred name online through your myACCESS account using the Personal Contact Information change Request form. To add or change your pronoun, contact the Office of Student Records. You can receive a school ID card that matches your preferences through Student Life.

All students and employees should consider it their responsibility to report concerning behaviors for the safety and well-being of the student and campus community. The Behavioral Intervention team (BIT) at College of DuPage acts as a “centralized collection” point of information that addresses a spectrum of risk from a position of care and concern: odd, disturbing or disruptive behaviors;  unexpected change in academics; potential targeted violence; harm to self; and provides guidance to campus offices with regard to student success and safety. If you feel that you have been a victim or witness of a hateful act, complete and submit the BIT Incident Report

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex and gender, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, in educational programs activities. See the Dean of Students website for Board Policy 15-11 and Administrative Procedure 15-11 Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct and Harassment for more information including information related sanctions, protective actions, remedies and Title IX complaint investigation procedures. For more information on sexual harassment and additional resources, contact the Dean of Students Office at (630) 942-2485.

Contact Information
