four female students studying together

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Initiative

College of DuPage understands that the cost of textbooks can be a significant financial burden for students, which is why we have created the Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) initiative.

The ZTC initiative represents a meaningful step towards removing financial barriers and enhancing accessibility to higher education for all students. By providing no-cost options for required course materials, COD aims to make educational resources more accessible and affordable for the DuPage community.

Benefits of the ZTC Initiative

  • Cost Savings: Directly addresses the concern of expensive textbooks and course materials.
  • Accessibility: Makes higher education more accessible by lowering the overall cost of attending college.
  • Convenience: Simplifies the process of course selection with clear labeling of ZTC courses.

Zero Textbook Cost Courses

The ZTC initiative enables students to take courses without worrying about the cost of textbooks, workbooks and other course materials. These courses use free resources to replace costly materials. The initiative does not cover the costs associated with technology and other supplies that may be required.

How to Find ZTC Courses

Students may select courses with the ZTC designation at the time of registration. ZTC-designated courses marked with a “ZTC” label will be visible in the Course Types section when selecting classes through Student Planning.

Availability of ZTC Courses

Course sections across various disciplines have been designated as ZTC. This number is expected to grow over time.
