two students smiling at each other while working on computers

Returning Early Admissions Students

Returning Early Admissions students at College of DuPage are high school students under 18-years-old that have completed at least one college course. 

Early admissions acceptance is determined by a counselor or advisor from Counseling Services. The Early Admissions Returning Student Form is only valid for the academic term indicated and a counselor or advisor must provide approval for each academic term until the student graduates from high school or turns 18-years-old. 

Enrollment Eligibility

To continue to participate as an Early Admissions student, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be under the age of 18 without a high school diploma or GED.
  • Have successfully completed at least one college-level course.
  • Complete the Early Admissions Returning Form. All Early Admission Forms must be submitted 10 days prior to the start of the semester.
  • Meet all regular prerequisites for the desired course.
  • Obtain permission from an advisor by contacting (630) 942-2259 or ask an advisor a quick question.

Additional Information

As an Early Admissions student, note the following information:

  • You may take placement tests to determine the appropriate course placement of reading, writing and math.
  • Math and science courses may require a qualifying math placement test score or math ACT sub-score.
  • Not all subject areas or college-level courses are available to early admissions students.
  • The grades earned for courses taken as an early admissions student will be permanent and recorded on the College of DuPage transcript.
  • The credits earned as an Early Admissions student are often transferable to other post-secondary institutions.
  • The grades earned at the end of the semester will determine your continued eligibility as an early admissions student for subsequent academic terms.
  • College of DuPage is not responsible for determining if a course will transfer back to the high school for high school credit. The decision to grant high school credit for a college-level course taken as an Early Admissions student is up to the high school.
  • An Early Admissions student is required to obtain approval from Counseling Services every semester until the student either turns 18, graduates from high school or obtains a GED. 

Contact Information

If you are a returning Early Admissions student and would like more information, contact the Office of Counseling & Advising Services at (630) 942-2259 or ask an advisor a quick question.