health science students in lab

Nursing and Health Sciences Division Feedback

The programs in the Nursing and Health and Sciences Division at College of DuPage (COD) engage in continuous and systematic evaluation and improvement. We welcome the public's comments, suggestions, ideas and constructive feedback as part of that process; those comments are handled according to the following procedure:

  1. This process is only for comments or concerns that cannot be addressed by existing grievance/due process procedures as explained in all health program handbooks.
  2. Comments must be provided in writing and signed by the author. Anonymous submission or written comments provided on behalf of an anonymous source will not be acknowledged.
  3. When an email is received, it is reviewed by a Nursing & Health Sciences Program Support Specialist. If the Program Support Specialist can respond to the concern, they will return an email to the email author within three business days. If another employee of the college is better suited to answer the concern/comment, the Program Support Specialist will forward on as appropriate and ask that the email author is responded to within three business days.
  4. If the comment/concern cannot be handled by the Program Support Specialist or his/her designee, the Dean of the Nursing and Health Sciences division will receive the email within 5 business days for them to respond to the email author.
  5. Email your Nursing and Health Sciences Division feedback to