faculty interacting at in-service day event

Facts For Faculty

Located in the Student Resource Center (SRC) 2102 on the Glen Ellyn campus, the Learning Commons offers math assistance, tutoring services and writing, reading, speech assistance.

Students can receive tutoring support in-person and online at the Learning Commons located in the Student Resource Center (SRC) 2102 on the Glen Ellyn campus. Testing and support services are also available at the COD Centers in Addison, Carol Stream, Naperville and Westmont along with computers, printing, Wi-Fi, college library website assistance and study space. Hours vary by service and location.

How the Learning Commons Can Support You

It can be beneficial to bring your students to the Learning Commons to learn about the academic assistance available to them. The following options are available:

Option A (10-15 minutes):

  • In-person: Class visit in your classroom to briefly describe the resources available in the Learning Commons, focusing on those most beneficial to your class.
  • Virtual: Virtual visit to your class via Zoom or your preferred online platform to briefly describe the resources available with the Learning Commons, focusing on those most beneficial to your class.

Option B (20-45 minutes):

  • In-person only: Class visit to the Learning Commons in SRC 2102. Learning Commons staff will provide information about the resources available in the Learning Commons with a focus on those particularly beneficial to your class. Time permitting this visit may also include playing an interactive game which reinforces the information and/or a quick tour of the Learning Commons (SRC 2102).
  • In-person or virtual: Class visit in your classroom or via Zoom to describe the resources available in the Learning Commons with a focus on those particularly beneficial to your class

Option C (30-45 minutes):

  • Share with your students the Learning Commons informational video. A follow-up visit (in-person or virtual) from one of our staff to provide additional details and answer questions may also be scheduled and is recommended.
A Learning Commons staff member can attend your online class session to inform your students about the academic assistance opportunities available to them. These informational sessions can be tailored to fit the delivery format and time you have available. To schedule a virtual visit, email Angel Nance at nancea@cod.edu.

Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance has a variety of interactive modules, or workshops, to support the goals and course objectives of instructors across all areas of study at College of DuPage. These workshops, available on campus, are designed to focus on different aspects of writing, reading, multi-modal assignments, and public speaking and are 50-75 minutes long depending on the workshop/instructor's needs.

These modules are designed to: 

  • Focus on discrete aspects of writing, reading, and public speaking.
  • Be interactive by asking students to participate in guided work.
  • Be adaptable to specific course materials.
  • Support the daily activities instructors and students engage in.
  • Align with specific course objectives and broader learning outcomes.
  • Be adaptable to courses for non-native speakers. 
  • Be 50-75 minutes long depending on the workshop/instructor's needs.

If you are interested in scheduling a Mini Module or if you want to learn more about them, call (630) 942-3355 or email wrsa@cod.edu.

The Learning Commons invites you to use the following verbiage (copy and paste into your syllabus) as you see fit to inform your students about the academic assistance opportunities available to them:

Math Assistance Area:
Math Assistance provides one-on-one, drop-in tutoring sessions with degreed STEM professionals in person and online for math, physics, chemistry and CIS courses.  Visit us in the Learning Commons (SRC2102), call (630) 942-3339, email mathassistancearea@cod.edu, or find us on the Learning Commons Tutoring and Academic Support Team Site. For more information about our services, visit Math Assistance

Tutoring Services:
Tutoring Services offers free course-based and study-strategy tutoring to currently enrolled COD students.  Most appointments and drop-ins take place in the Learning Commons in the Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102.  Other tutoring services occur elsewhere on main campus or online.  For online assistance, click "Learning Commons Tutoring and Academic Support", and refer to the Tutoring Services section. For more information or to make an appointment, visit Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102, call (630) 942-3686, email tutoring@cod.edu, or visit Tutoring Services.

Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance for any class:
Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) in the Learning Commons provides coaching sessions for College of DuPage students who are working on assignments in any academic discipline. We help students develop and strengthen writing, reading, and presentation skills and strategies.  Appointments are available face-to-face, online, or through email.  For more information or to make an appointment, visit Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102, call (630) 942-3355, email wrsa@cod.edu, or visit Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance.  

Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance for ELS/ELA classes:
Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) in the Learning Commons offers the opportunity for students to practice their English skills.  Students are encouraged to have a session with a Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance coach to get assistance with their reading, writing, or presentation assignments, as well as to improve their English speaking/conversation skills.  For more information or to make an appointment, visit Student Resource Center (SRC) Room 2102, call (630) 942-3355, email wrsa@cod.edu, or visit Learning Commons ELA/ELS Services.  

In-Person Coaching

In-person coaching allows your students to receive assistance on assignments in any academic discipline. We help students develop and strengthen writing, reading, conversation, and presentation skills, while providing strategies which will enable them to work more independently.

Face-to-face in-person assistance is available in the Learning Commons (SRC 2102) on the Glen Ellyn campus. Our coaches are both peer coaches and professional coaches. Students may create an account (a one-time registration that’s good for the student’s time at COD) and schedule an appointment.

Students can: 

  • Call (630) 942-3355, email (wrsa@cod.edu), schedule online (cod.mywconline.com), or walk-in (dependent on coach availability) to schedule an appointment.
  • Schedule appointments up to two weeks in advance.
  • Join a wait list for their desired time/coach. If an appointment opening becomes available, the student will be notified via text or email. Once notified, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the appointment. Appointments are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
  • Make three reading, three writing, three ELS conversation, and three speech appointments per week, (but no more than a total of two appointments of different types per day). ELA students can have up to three “ELA Support” appointments per week. 
  • Schedule four sessions per week for each type of appointment if they are connected with Access & Accommodations.
  • Cancel their own appointments online at any time.

To make the most of WRSA visits, your students should:

  • Come early in the semester and come often!
  • Bring a copy of the assignment instructions, rubric, draft, or any other materials they have.
  • Know what they would like to work on.
  • Plan enough time for revision.
  • Be prepared with questions to ask their coach.

Online Coaching

Online coaching allows your students to receive assistance on assignments in any academic discipline. We help students develop and strengthen writing, reading, conversation, and presentation skills, while providing strategies which will enable them to work more independently.

To receive face-to-face online assistance, students must create an account (a one-time registration that’s good for the student’s time at COD) and schedule an appointment by following these directions: Scheduling an Online Appointment with WRSA.

Students can: 

  • Call (630) 942-3355, email (wrsa@cod.edu), schedule online (cod.mywconline.com), or walk-in (dependent on coach availability) to schedule an appointment.
  • Schedule appointments up to two weeks in advance.
  • Join a wait list for their desired time/coach. If an appointment opening becomes available, the student will be notified via text or email. Once notified, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the appointment. Appointments are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
  • Make three reading, three writing, three ELS conversation, and three speech appointments per week, (but no more than a total of two appointments of different types per day). ELA students can have up to three “ELA Support” appointments per week. 
  • Schedule four sessions per week for each type of appointment if they are connected with Access & Accommodations.
  • Cancel their own appointments online at any time.

To make the most of online WRSA visits, your students should:

  • Click the red “Start or Join Online Consultation” link in their appointment box to open the online consultation module.
  • Be prepared to meet with their coach in an online module, similar to FaceTime or Skype.
  • Enable their camera and microphone if possible. 
  • Have any written work ready to be shared on the white board feature.
  • Prepare questions to ask their coach.

Email Coaching

Email coaching allows your students to receive a written reply from a coach who will be able to spend up to 45 minutes reading and responding to each student’s original written draft or outline. Coaches will not edit or correct a draft but will respond in writing and:

  • Acknowledge the student as a writer, a writer with something to say.
  • Engage with the content of the writing—not just with the way the content is presented or formalized.
  • Acknowledge what the writer thinks they are doing well before moving to the questions.
  • Respond to questions by entering into a reader-writer dialogue with students that focuses on the coach's understanding of what is on the page.
  • Avoid directives when possible to help students take control of their writing decisions.
  • Ask questions about meaning as a way to help students think about revisions and corrections.
  • Acknowledge this is a draft in process and that is OK. The submission form asks students to gauge where they are in their writing process, so coaches have a better idea what students’ notions are about their drafts.
  • Point out error patterns and provide explanations via templates and web resources.

When students submit their drafts, we ask them to:

  1.  Describe something they are doing well or that is going well in their draft.
  2. Write questions they have about their draft to guide the coach’s initial reading/response.
  3. Include the assignment as an attachment or as a detailed description, so we understand what their and your goals are for the writing.
  4. Acknowledge the work is wholly theirs.

Our goals are to engage students in thinking and writing about their drafts, to help them learn to be better writers, and to provide an interested and knowledgeable audience for their work. Please note, students who are enrolled in ELS writing classes should be encouraged to schedule face-to-face appointments instead of email coaching. 

GoReact® Coaching

GoReact® coaching allows your students to improve their speeches/presentations by including WRSA GoReact® coaching as either a required or extra credit assignment in your class. (If you truly want students to do this, make it a requirement!) GoReact® coaching enables a WRSA coach to interact directly with your students through GoReact® by providing them individualized performance feedback directly in GoReact®. It's an effective and empowering way for students to improve their skills and for you to get added teaching support!

One student offered this feedback on her GoReact® WRSA coaching experience:

"The WRSA coach gave me detailed feedback on my draft speech. They were very supportive and helpful in pointing out some mistakes. After receiving that feedback, I made changes to my speech based off those recommendations. I would tell my peers to use this service."

Next, set up GoReact® coaching in 6 simple steps:

  1. Be sure that your course shell includes your last name (Morgan SP1100-NET25 SU21) so that our coaches can identify the correct section (there are MANY sections).
  2. Set up the assignment for GoReact® coaching in your GoReact® course shell (i.e. Informative Practice Speech).
  3. Invite wrsa@cod.edu to your particular section in GoReact® as a “reviewer.” Here is the link to GoReact's® instructions to Invite Users. Click on "Invite individual users.”
  4. Explain the difference between a speech appointment in WRSA (synchronous) and a GoReact® appointment and the coaching process to students (asynchronous).
  5. Prepare students to register for the WRSA and schedule a GoReact® appointment: Six minute Video with Instructions on How to Register with WRSA and Schedule a GoReact® appointment.
  6. Remind the students that once they schedule the GoReact® appointment, they do NOT need to show up to the appointment. The coaches will leave time stamped feedback directly in their draft in GoReact®. Students WILL need to go back to the assignment AFTER the date of their appointment to see their feedback.

If you are interested in having a WRSA coach visit your class for a short orientation, please reach out to Margaret Hernandez (hernandezm137@cod.edu) in WRSA

Speech Appointment Types

  • Speech/Presentation:
  • Students can meet with a coach on campus or online.
  • GoReact:  
    • Timestamped feedback in GoReact® on content including:
    • Oral citations
    • Transitions
    • Supporting material
    • Credibility and logic
    • Effective visual aids DELIVERY including: 
    • Rate and volume
    • Inflection
    • Gestures
    • Eye contact
    • Use of visual aids
  • Students will not meet with coaches during the scheduled appointment time.
  • Speech Outline/Email Asynchronous:
    • Organization of outline
    • Works Cited/References
  • Students Will not meet with coaches during the scheduled appointment time. 

Our goals are to engage students in thinking and writing about their drafts, to help them learn to be better writers, and to provide an interested and knowledgeable audience for their work. Note , students who are enrolled in ELS writing classes should be encouraged to schedule face-to-face appointments instead of email coaching.

We are happy to talk with you about ways of incorporating email coaching into your online curriculum. Note: Full class uploads must be pre-arranged with Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) to staff readers accordingly. Please reach out if you have any questions at all.

In order for students to submit a draft, they will need to register with Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) by following the instructions on the WRSA webpage.

Guided Study Groups are group tutoring sessions specific to a course section. They are initiated by instructor request. The instructor meets with the tutor each week to prepare materials for that week's session. In-class Assistance tutoring takes place during class meetings. (Please note that tutors are not teaching assistants and can only provide tutoring support.) To request a GSG or ICA for your course, contact the Tutoring Services Coordinator: ext. 3681 or anderson-patchn@cod.edu. Requests must be received by week 12 of the prior semester.

Based on need, Tutoring Services begins interviewing potential new tutors for the next semester around midterms of the prior semester, and finalizes new hires before the term ends. All new tutors must be recommended by faculty, thoroughly vetted, and trained before they can officially work. The hiring process can take a while, so we must receive your recommendations as soon as possible to ensure the candidate can be considered for the upcoming term. Be sure to ask the candidate if they are interested in the job before recommending them.

To recommend a tutor, contact the Tutoring Services Coordinator: ext. 3681 or anderson-patchn@cod.edu.

Share great assistance opportunities with your students by adding a Learning Commons link to your Blackboard shell. Contact the Learning Commons if you would like an electronic version of any of the Learning Commons flyers to post in your blackboard shell. 

Learn about the academic assistance opportunities available off campus for you and your students.

WRSA makes my life easier. When I have highly apprehensive students visit WRSA, they have another encounter with an expert who wants them to do well on their speech, knows how to prepare them to be successful on their speech, and knows how to decrease their anxiety.

S. Mia Poston, Ph. D.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Let us know how we are doing. Send us an email, give us a call (630) 942-3941, or stop by SRC 2102 if you have a suggestion on how we can better assist your students.