woman taking a hearing test

Hearing Instrument Dispensary Program Costs

The following is a list of program fees for applicants accepted into the Hearing Instrument Dispensing program.

Note: These figures may change due to price increases.

Estimated Program Costs. For more information on tuition please visit the Tuition and Fees page. 
Item Estimated Cost
Non-Refundable College of DuPage Application $20.00
In-District Tuition (22 credits)
22 credits of Hearing Instrument Dispensary courses x $152/credit = $3,344.00
Books $870.00
Recommended (but not required) State of IL HIS Book and Workbook $700.00
Course/Lab Fees (malpractice insurance included) $252.00
Criminal Background Check (see Health Requirement Packet for details) $73.99
Mandatory Drug Testing (see Health Requirement Packet for details $34.99
Medical Document Manager (see Health Requirement Packet for details $20.49
Health Requirements (see Health Requirement Packet for details Varies
 Estimated Total $5,315.47 + Health Requirements