female student working on air conditioning unit wearing safety glasses

Contact the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Program

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Contact Information

Bob Clark, Professor / Program Chair 
Technical Education Center (TEC), Room 0024C
(630) 942-3068
Email: clarkr307@cod.edu

Terry Buckley, Assistant Professor 
Technical Education Center (TEC), Room 1042
(630) 942-3673
Email: buckleyt@cod.edu

Channing Payne, Program Support Specialist 
Technical Education Center (TEC), Room 1008 / Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1E10
(630) 942-4286
Email: paynec1312@cod.edu

Peter Deeman, Program Advisor  
Email: deemanp@cod.edu  

Business and Applied Technology Division
Technical Education Center (TEC), Room 1034
(630) 942-2592

COD Stories

Bob Clark

"Our lab is our gallery and a portfolio for every students’ resume. It was designed and built as a micro-sized version of major critical systems that exist in a building and allows students the opportunity to break down multiple complex systems.” - Bob Clark

Bob's COD Story

COD Stories

Jim Janich

"I hope students have fun. I hope they are intellectually challenged. I hope they realize that this industry, and our program, could give them a very profitable career." - Jim Janich

Jim's COD Story

COD Stories

Chris Lexow

"I tell all of my students that I don’t want to be just a teacher to them, I want to be a mentor. This is a relationship that lasts far beyond the walls of the College after they graduate." - Chris Lexow

Chris' COD Story