The Nursing program is proud to host the Rho Chapter of Alpha Delta Nu (ADN), the National Honor Society for Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) students. The National Honor Society is sponsored by the National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (N-OADN).

The Rho Chapter of ADN is open to second year nursing students by invitation only. In order to be considered for the honor society, students must:
- Have a GPA of 3.0 in all courses required for the Associate in Applied Science in Nursing degree.
- Earned a minimum grade of B in nursing courses (ineligible if nursing course is repeated).
- Be in good standing in the Nursing program.
Student transcripts are evaluated after the completion of the first year of the nursing program; students will be notified of eligibility at the beginning of their fourth semester.
Students who accept the invitation to join the organization must participate in at least eight hours of a community service activity. Students must maintain the stated criteria in order to be eligible for induction. Inductees will receive their honors cords and pins during the Nurses Pinning Ceremony.
Contact Information
Donna Kanak, Associate Professor, Faculty Advisor
Julie Alvin, Associate Professor, Faculty Advisor