students taking tests in the testing center

Reading and Writing Placement

Reading and writing placement assessments are used to measure your skills to determine your proper course placement.

Years of School Completed - Kindergarten Through 12th Grade

  • Students who are non-native English speakers and have completed zero to four years of schooling in the United States must take the Kaplan Test of English (ELS Placement Test) to meet course prerequisites. 
  • Students who are native English speakers and have completed more than four years of schooling can follow the instructions outlined below. 

Placement Options

Students can meet Reading and Writing Category One requirements using any of the following measures. 

  • College-level credit totaling 12 semester hours with at least a “C” average. Reading Category One only.
  • College certificate, Associate degree, BA/BS degree, Graduate degree. Reading Category One only.
  • Minimum high school cumulative, non-weighted GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent, with a minimum of 5 semesters (3.6/5.0).
  • ACT composite score of 20 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • SAT total score of 950 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • SAT Reading/Writing subscore of 480 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • GED language arts subscore of 165. Proof of score must be provided. Transcripts must be sent from the Regional Office of Education (ROE) directly to College of DuPage. Transcripts can be sent physically in the mail or via email to  
  • GED total score of 660 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Transcripts must be sent from the Regional Office of Education (ROE) directly to College of DuPage. Transcripts can be sent physically in the mail or via email to
  • ACCUPLACER Reading test taken at another institution with minimum cut–off score of 246. Send unofficial score report to
  • ACCUPLACER Writing test taken at another institution with minimum cut–off score of 250. Send unofficial score report to
  • The Guided Self-Placement (GSP) Questionnaire is available to determine college-level reading and writing readiness. Students can complete the GSP by logging into the student portal at This option will be available to students until March 31st, 2025. After this time, the measures listed above will be required to determine reading and writing course placement.

Proof of some prerequisites can be submitted to the Office of Student Records.

If you have additional questions, contact

Students can meet Reading and Writing requirements using any of the following:

  • TOEFL Score 550 paper/pencil, 213 computer-based, or 79 internet-based. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • IELTS Score 6.5 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • Duolingo score of 115 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Test score can be submitted through a student's Duolingo Account.
  • ACT composite score of 20 or SAT total score of 950 or higher. Proof of score must be provided. Send unofficial score report to
  • ESL Accuplacer Reading score of 102+ and ESL Language Use score of 102 + (taken at COD before October 21, 2019)
  • College-level credit totaling 12 semester hours with at least a “C” average from a US academic college or university. (Only meets the Reading requirement.)
  • Kaplan Test of English (Part 1 & Part 2)

The Kaplan Test of English (ELS Placement Test) will assess your English language proficiency in order to help you find the right classes. The test is divided into two parts. Students are placed based on the cumulative score from Part 1 (Multiple Choice) or the average score from Part 2 (Writing and Speaking).

Before you take the Kaplan Test of English (ELS Placement Test), you might want to:

  • Practice for the test
    • Part 1 Practice Test - Using the Google Chrome browser, copy and paste the link
    • Part 2 Practice Test - Using the Google Chrome browser, copy and paste the link

After you take the Kaplan Test of English (ELS Placement Test): 

More information about the Kaplan Test of English, can be found on the English Language Studies (ELS) webpage.

If you have additional questions, contact

Contact Information

Academic and Specialized Testing Center, Glen Ellyn - Main Campus
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2A06/2A08
(630) 942-2401
Testing Hours and Locations