Teacher working with group of elementary school age students

Early Childhood Education and Care Transfer Opportunities

College of DuPage has partnered with several transfer institutions to provide opportunities for students to complete a bachelor's degree in the early childhood field. Students should make an appointment with a faculty member, counselor or a program advisor to discuss these transfer opportunities.

As of July 28, 2021, the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) has established that the AAS in ECE, from an entitled Illinois community college, transfers in full to all Illinois state public universities and the private universities that are part of the ECACE.  *This is similar to a 2+2.

Students who successfully complete the full AAS in Early Childhood Education and the Level 4 Gateways Credential (all ECEC courses must be passed with a 'C' or better) and have an overall 2.0GPA or better on a 4.0 scale, will be granted junior level status in the university early childhood program upon transfer and will not be required to repeat courses or take additional credit hours beyond what is required of original baccalaureate students unless pursuing additional endorsements on the student's Professional Educator License (PEL).

All Illinois public universities, and some Illinois private universities, are held to the requirements of Public Act 102-0174.  A list of those universities that accept the full Associate in Applied Science in Early Childhood Education with the Level 4 Gateways Credential can be found through the Early Childhood Access Consortium For Equity.

Articulation Agreements and Guaranteed Admissions Programs are not the only ways that students can transfer. College of DuPage courses are designed to transfer to many different institutions. Transfer guides are available to aid students in this process.

Transfer guides suggest specific College of DuPage course subjects that meet prerequisites for specific majors. These guides also provide contact information, basic information about the major, admission & degree requirements, general education requirements and transfer policies. Explore transfer guides by transfer institution.

Transfer Planning

Deciding on a college or university to finish your studies is an important decision. To assist you in this decision process we have collected the following resources. Please know that these links are not a part of College of DuPage and are provided as a service and no endorsement is expressed or implied.

  • Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)
    The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide transfer agreement, which is transferable among more than 100 participating college or universities in Illinois. 
  • Transferology
    This online tool will help you identify colleges and universities that will accept your transfer courses. Be sure to check out the videos posted on the website to learn more about utilizing this tool.
  • Attend a Transfer Event
    Many colleges and universities participate in on-campus events to highlight transfer opportunities.
  • Guaranteed Transfer Admission Programs
    Explore schools that offer Guaranteed Transfer Admissions to College of DuPage students. Students can apply to any school of their choosing, but COD partners with a select number of schools that guarantee admission to students who meet specific criteria. 

For additional online planning tools visit Transfer Research Resources for more information on transferring.

Contact Information

Counseling Services
Student Services Center (SSC), Room 3341
Phone: (630) 942-3330

  • Monday and Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
COD Centers Hours

Follow us:

InstagramInstagram: @counselingadvisingcod

InstagramInstagram: @codtransferservices

FacebookFacebook: @codcounselingadvising

Contact Information

Christine Jandak, Program Advisor
Early Childhood Education and Care and Education Programs
Counseling, Advising and Transfer Services
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2H01F
Email: jandakc@cod.edu
Direct line: (630) 942-2981

Social/Behavioral Sciences and the Library Division Office
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2E06
(630) 942-2010