Areas of Research Interest
- Nation building in nineteenth-century Spanish American novels
- Twentieth-century Spanish American literature and culture
Recent Courses Taught
- Elementary Spanish 1101 (COD)
- Intermediate Spanish 2201 (COD)
- Intermediate Spanish 2202 (COD)
- Culture and Civilization of Costa Rica 1800 (COD)
- Introduction to Hispanic Literature (Penn State)
- Survey of Spanish American Literature through "Modernismo" (Penn State)
- Introduction to Latina/o Studies (Penn State)
- Introduction to Literatures of the Americas (Penn State)
- Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition (Penn State)
Current Projects
- Literary translation (Spanish to English)
- Study abroad program development
Study Abroad Leadership, Research, and Study
- CoDirector of College of DuPage Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica (2017)
- CoDirector of Penn State Study Abroad in Havana, Cuba (2015)
- Graduate Student Assistant of Penn State Study Abroad in Puebla, México (2015)
- Dissertation Research at El Centro de Estudios Martianos in Havana, Cuba (2014)
- Course on the Language and Culture of Náhuatl at El Colegio de Jalisco in Zapopan, México (2009)
- University Semester Abroad at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid, Spain (2005)
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
- "Global Leadership Development through Service Learning Abroad." The Harper College Office of International Education and the Learning Assessment Committee: Assessing Global and Intercultural Learning. Palatine, IL. (March 2017; with Donna Gillespie, Edith Jaco, and Stephanie Quirk)
- "Tableaux of Family Tragedy: Rethinking Suffering in Tomás Rivera's...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him." Imagining Latino/a Studies: Past, Present, & Future. Panel Title: "Reading Publics, Pedagogy, and Challenging Genre in Latino/a Literature." Chicago, IL. (July 2014)
- "Rhetorical Trappings: Fashioning the Body in Nineteenth-Century Cuba." Midwest Modern Language Association Convention. Panel Title: "Body Work." Milwaukee, WI. (November 2013)
- "Madness in Elena Garro's Los recuerdos del porvenir." Carolina Conference on Romance
Literatures. Panel Title: "Espejos mexicanos entre pasado y presente: lenguaje, memoria,
y ambigüedad." University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. (March
- Sigma Delta Pi National Hispanic Honorary Society (2003 – Present)
- Ph.D. Spanish American Literature, The Pennsylvania State University
- M.A. Spanish, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Spanish and English, Washington College