Autismerica is a student organization for neurodiverse students to better educate
themselves about COD and socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Our organization
is now in its 14th year as a part of COD, and we have helped several chapters open throughout the country
at various other higher education institutions throughout the years (but COD was the
first). Meetings average between 80 to 120 participants and include board and video
games, karaoke, creative opportunities and fun. Parents and community members are
also welcome.
Due to construction on campus, there could be last-minute changes to meetings. Check
this page frequently for updates.
For more information, contact Michael Duggan via email at
Autismerica 13th Anniversary Celebration
In December 2023, we celebrated our 13th year with cake, video games and fun!

Photo from our September 2021 meeting where we had over 70 people attend. Following
social-distancing protocol, we had a nice time meeting and playing outdoor games.
Autismerica's 10th Anniversary at COD
Michael Duggan
(630) 942-2845
Sheryl Ebersold
Accommodations Specialist
(630) 942-3798