Teacher in front of class


Some COD email users have received emails from banks or other companies asking for the user to update their personal information. Some emails may even say that some dire consequences await you if you do not respond. Ignore and delete these emails. The purpose of this type of email is to get enough personal information about a user to steal their identity. This is called “phishing.”

Phishing Solution

  1. Ignore phishing emails and be advised that banks and other companies will NEVER send you an email asking you to send them a response containing personal or private information. Use the "Report Message" feature in Outlook to report suspicious email.
  2. NEVER disclose ANY personally identifying information via an unsolicited email. This includes:
    • Account numbers or debit/credit card numbers
    • Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) or passwords
    • Social Security number
    • Mother's maiden name
  3. Other private information - Contact a Customer Representative at the alleged company BY TELEPHONE as soon as possible. Most companies have representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to inform the company of the problem because this scam and others are on the rise.

For More Information

Refer to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or How to Spot Phishing Emails for more information.

If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk at x4357.

Ira Rezania
Director, Information Security
College of Dupage
425 Fawell Boulevard
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599
Email: rezaniae@cod.edu
Voice: (630) 942-3055

Contact Information

Faculty/Staff Helpdesk
(630) 942-4357
Email: helpdesk@cod.edu

Student Helpdesk
(630) 942-2999
Email: studenthelp@dupage.edu

Hours of Operation