Connect with other students from Latino Student Initiatives (LSI) at monthly meetings, student clubs and events on campus.

Reuniones de apoyo estudiantil
- Spanish: Se anima a los estudiantes a asistir a las reuniones de Apoyo Estudiantil
para recibir información importante y actualizaciones sobre fechas límite, becas,
eventos, oportunidades de voluntariado y más. Todos los estudiantes son bienvenidos.
- Próximamente nuevas fechas
- English: Students are encouraged to attend Student Support meetings to receive important
information and updates regarding deadlines, scholarships, events, volunteer opportunities
and more. All students welcome.
- New dates coming soon

Latinos Unidos (LU) Student Club
Latinos Unidos (LU) is a student led club that focuses on creating academic, social, and community connections of all Latino/a/e/x cultures. LU holds weekly meetings in the fall and spring semester. You do not need to identify as a Latino/a/e/x student to join LU, all are welcome!
InterCultural Hub
Students are encouraged to meet at the InterCultural Hub to:- Unify as a student body and support this place as a teaching and learning environment.
- Connect with different cultures of people to promote student success.
- Learn more about the social environment.
- Engage in the diverse experiences through programs and events.
InterCultural Hub
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1500
- Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Wednesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Spanish Language Courses for Heritage Speakers
Do you want to earn credit while taking courses aimed at developing your Spanish understanding, speaking, reading and writing skills? You may be a heritage speaker if you learned Spanish at home or came from a background where Spanish is spoken.Heritage language courses are:
- Not necessarily more difficult than second-language learner courses.
- Not just for fluent speakers of Spanish.
- Centered on the student’s cultural heritage.
- IAI designated to transfer to four-year institutions.

Faculty Advisors
Sandra Anderson, Professor
(630) 942-2174
Donna Gillespie, Professor
(630) 942-5315
Edith Jaco, Professor
(630) 942-3332
Bonnie Loder, Associate Professor
(630) 942-3040
Elizabeth Mares, Professor
(630) 942-3937
Contact Information
InterCultural Student Initiatives
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1500
Elizabeth Gómez de la Casa
Manager, Intercultural and Latino Student Initiatives
Hablo español
(630) 942-3146