high school students at computers

Maine East High School

Maine East High School
2601 Dempster Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Website: https://east.maine207.org
Phone: (847) 825-4484

FA = Class offered in Fall Semester. SP = Class offered in Spring Semester. YR = Class runs all Year, over both semesters.
FA SP YR COD Course Number Credits COD Course Name High School Course Name Instructor PCS Transfer
  x   CULIN 1108 2 Culinary Measurements & Conversions Baking and Pastry  Patel/Vande Vusse 1.2



Contact Information

Office of Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment
Berg Instructional Center (BIC)
(630) 942-2880
Email: dualcredit@cod.edu
Dual Credit Inquiry Form