High schools students working on a project together

Naperville Central High School

Naperville Central High School, District #203
440 West Aurora Avenue · Naperville, IL 60540
Website: www.naperville203.org/nchs
Phone: (630) 420-6420

FA = Class offered in Fall Semester. SP = Class offered in Spring Semester. YR = Class runs all Year, over both semesters.
FA SP YR COD Course Number Credits COD Course Name High School Course Name Instructor PCS Transfer
    x ACCOU 1110 3 Accounting Procedures Accounting I Epstein, Nikole/Hicks, Aislinn 1.2
x x   AUTO 1040 3 Automotive for Non-Majors Automotives I Feid, Chris 1.2
    x BUSIN 1161 3 Entrepreneurship Business INCubatoredu Neubauer, B., Barry, K.  1.2
  x   CIS 1400 4 Programming Logic and Technique Programming 2 Hayes, Kevin/Miller, Derek 1.2
x     EDUCA 1100 3 Intro to Education Introduction to Teaching 1 Andrees, Lynn 1.1
  x   EDUCA 1101 3 School Procedures Introduction to Teaching 2 Andrees, Lynn 1.1
  x   FASHI 1210 3 Introduction to the Fashion Industry Introduction to the Fashion Industry Page, Lindsey 1.2
  x   HLTHS 1100 2 Survey of Health Careers Health Occupations Haiser, Amanda 1.2
  x   HORT 1105 3 Floral and Landscape Design Floral and Landscape Design Rauen, Sean  1.2
x     MARKE 1100 3 Consumer Marketing Marketing Barry/Bell 1.2
x     SPANI 2251 3 Conversation & Composition I Spanish V Gasser, Kathy 1.1
  x   SPANI 2252 3 Conversation & Composition II Spanish V Gasser, Kathy 1.1



Contact Information

Office of Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment
Berg Instructional Center (BIC)
(630) 942-2880
Email: dualcredit@cod.edu
Dual Credit Inquiry Form