Student on a computer

Zoom Mini Modules

Please give WRSA as much lead time as possible before scheduling a Mini Module — two weeks or more is ideal. As WRSA get busier, it may not be possible to schedule workshops on your first choice of dates/times, so please always add a second choice on the request form. Within 24-36 hours of receiving your request, you will receive an email from WRSA to confirm your request and to ask for any pertinent assignment or support information. A confirmation email will follow with the workshop title, the date, and the time. 

Once the workshop is assigned to a workshop leader, the workshop leader will send you:

  1. The link and password for the Zoom workshop (or a request for yours if we are joining your Zoom classroom space)
  2. Any pre-workshop materials 

You can then post these into your BB course for students to access.

What to Expect in a Zoom Mini Module

We are striving to keep students involved and interacting through Zoom; to that end, we will be:

  1. Asking students to unmute their mics periodically to respond to questions
  2. Asking students to use the chat box as a shared document
  3. Asking students to react to new information with the reaction button emojis
  4. Asking students to stop & jot down thoughts about the materials being covered

To assist with the above, we may ask instructors to help us manage the chat feature—especially for questions students may post about their assignments during the workshop.  

After the workshop, the co-host will email you all the links and handouts shared during the Mini Module, in case you or any of your students missed them. 

Watch the Zoom Mini Modules video for more information about what to expect in these Zoom Mini Modules.

Workshops Currently Available via Zoom

  • Annotated Bibliography-APA  
  • Annotated Bibliography-MLA  
  • APA Formatting for Nursing  
  • Avoiding Plagiarism  
  • Avoiding Plagiarism-ELS  
  • Commas-ELS  
  • Creating Academic Posters  
  • Creating Effective Infographics  
  • Effective PowerPoint Slides  
  • Fear of the Blank Page  
  • In-text Citations-APA  
  • In-text Citations-MLA  
  • In-text Citations-MLA-ELS  
  • Managing Public Speaking Anxiety  
  • Oral Citations  
  • Oral Citations-ELS  
  • Paraphrase, Summary, Quotation   
  • Persuasive Professional Email  
  • References-APA  
  • Revision  
  • Run-On Sentences-ELS  
  • Thesis Statements  
  • Thesis Statements-ELS  
  • Works Cited-MLA  
  • WRSA Coach Assist  

Mini Module Request Form

Mini Modules are not available during summer term.

Complete a Zoom Mini Module Request Form for each Zoom workshop you would like to request. If you have any questions, please contact WRSA at (630) 942-3355 or email

Please make sure your internet browser is up to date.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Will we be joining your Zoom meeting?*
Zoom Mini Module Offerings*