students walking outside around campus

Contact the Art Program

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Contact Information

Lisa Saltiel, Program Support Specialist
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), BIC 2E07B
Phone: (630) 942-3303

Arts, Communication, and Hospitality Division Office
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 219
(630) 942-2048


  • Fuertes, Eric - Assistant Professor,, MAC 162, (630)942-3061.
  • Gower, Jill - Assistant Professor,, MAC 270, (630)942-2068.
  • Nasca, David - Assistant Professor,, MAC 166A, (630)942-2423.


    Art Lecture

    Art Studio

    COD Stories

    David Ouellette

    "I want to inspire students the way I was inspired in those first art courses. It also allows me to pursue my own professional interests in art, art history and archaeology, which I can bring back to the classroom. It’s my life, and I just love sharing that with my students.” - David Ouellette

    David's COD Story


    Contact Information

    Arts, Communication, and Hospitality Division Office
    McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 219
    (630) 942-2048