student relaxing and drawing in student lounge

Arts, Communication and Hospitality Division

Arts, Communication and Hospitality encompasses a broad range of arts courses and programs that provide students with an opportunity to create, perform, study and participate in the arts.

Disciplines and programs in Arts, Communication, and Hospitality include transfer courses in Studio Arts (Drawing, Painting, Computer Art, Ceramics, Jewelry, Printmaking, Sculpture), Dance, Music and Music Technology, Applied Music, Theater, and Mass Communication. Other programs include Architecture/Construction Management, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Fashion Studies, Hospitality and Tourism, Interior Design and Speech.

Many of the courses in the Fine Arts satisfy the general education requirement for graduation and can be transferred to other institutions. The applied programs include transfer and career and technical education training in Graphic Design, Motion Picture/Television, and Photography. Both associate degrees and certificates are offered in the Applied Arts programs.

Division Goals

Students in Arts, Communication, and Hospitality are provided opportunities to:

  • Employ a variety of artistic media as a means of personal expression.
  • Develop their understanding and perception of sensory materials and messages in creating, producing, displaying and interpreting works of art in a broad range of media.
  • Develop original ideas, tap creative impulses and stimulate the imagination.
  • Develop analytical and evaluative skills and the ability to articulate critical insights into the arts.
  • Participate in theater, music, film and dance in educational and public settings.
  • Study practical, commercial, historical, social and cultural contexts for the arts.
  • Study and employ appropriate tools, technologies, techniques and materials in the creation of works of art.

Division Faculty

Faculty in Arts, Communication, and Hospitality are working artists and performers. Faculty is committed to providing students with a full understanding of the arts and opportunities to participate in and perform in a broad range of student performance groups, including groups in music and theater, and in exhibiting work in the Student Art Gallery and other venues on and off-campus.



Contact Information

Arts, Communication, and Hospitality Division Office
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 219
(630) 942-2048