woman playing the guitar

Contact the Music Program

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Contact Information

Matthew Shevitz, Instrumental Music, Department Chair
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 137
(630) 942-2369
Email: shevitzm@cod.edu

Patrick O'Shea, Vocal and Choral Music
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 136
(630) 942-2552
Email: osheap709@cod.edu

Ken Paoli, Recording Technology and Music Business
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 293
(630) 942-2584
Email: paolik@cod.edu

Thomas Stark, Applied Music Coordinator
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 228
(630) 942-2391
Email: starkt1620@cod.edu

Arts, Communication, and Hospitality Division
McAninch Arts Center (MAC), Room 219
(630) 942-2048

COD Stories

Sara Richert

“For artists, specifically musicians, I highly recommend College of DuPage. The Music program has small class sizes, highly educated faculty and so much opportunity for freshman and sophomore students. It is truly a gem.” - Sara Richert

Sara's COD Story