
Steven Accardi is Professor of English, specializing in rhetoric and writing. He has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University, in which he served as Assistant Writing Program Administrator and President of English Graduate Students. Before coming to COD, Dr. Accardi was an Assistant Professor of English at Penn State Hazleton for four years, conducting research that intersected first-year writing courses with community engagement projects and taught upper division courses in rhetorical theory and discourse analysis. At COD, Dr. Accardi chairs the national award-winning Writing Studies program, which oversees the Professional Writing Certificate. During his time at the college, Dr. Accardi has created 2+2 transfer agreements with DePaul University, Elmhurst University, and University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and a dual credit program with York High School. He has created and/or helped revise ten writing courses, including ePortfolio, Advanced Composition, Argumentative Writing, Writing for Nonprofits, Writing in the Professions, Digital Writing, Technical Writing, Workplace Writing, Composition II, and Composition I. He also helped create the national award-winning Professional Writing Certificate and the Professional Writing Lecture Series. Additionally, the Honors Student Advisory Committee selected Dr. Accardi for the Outstanding Honors Faculty Award.

Tel.: (630) 942-2669
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2H05B