Over 80 student clubs provide students a connection with academic programs, topical
interest sharing, sharing of leisure-time activities, social interaction and a connection
with the communities of students at the college. Practicing leadership, business and
organizational skills outside the classroom enhances students’ life and career goals.
Scheduling Process for Clubs
Student club members should contact Student Life staff member Jelymar Mejia to schedule dates for their club.
COD Stories
“COD has many clubs and events that can help you to meet new people and explore your
interests. These organizations can help you to familiarize yourself with COD, meet
new friends and develop leadership skills.”
“I love College of DuPage and the vibrant community that we have. We encompass the
values of hard work, dedication and passion. It’s something I’ve never witnessed before
and I’m honored I get to serve on behalf of the student body.”
“All of my experiences have made me grow and discover what life means. I take it day
by day, and my life is so much greater for it. I want to make an impact on people’s
lives.” - Ana Pliego
“After one semester, I had spent half of my college savings on tuition and room and
board. I decided that the financially smart move would be to move home and attend
College of DuPage to get my general education requirements and nursing prerequisites
completed for a more reasonable cost and then transfer.” - Kaitlyn Rogers
“Within the first five minutes of joining Pride Alliance, COD’s gay-straight alliance,
I was a changed person. And, for the first time in my life, I felt accepted for who
I was. My objective was to expand Pride to help more students than it had in the past,
so I applied for the president position and, with a great team of officers, we did
just that." - Bradley Kirouac