violence against women act (2013) image

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Violence Against Women Act

This Federal law requires colleges to annually train new students and employees about the campus climate related to sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, as well as the crimes in the Annual Security Report. Educational sessions regarding safety, bystander education, and sexual misconduct prevention will be ongoing and announced on the College portal and myACCESS. (Reauthorized, 2013)

Student Right-to-Know Act

This federal law requires colleges to disclose graduation rates or projected graduation rates for full-time degree or certificate students. College of DuPage is in compliance with this regulation. Information of this nature is available in the Annual Security Report and Student Right-To-Know.

This federal law requires colleges to annually publish information relating to the number of crimes reported on the college campus and the security measures that are in place to reduce the risk of crime within the college community. For more details, contact College of DuPage’s Campus Police Department, or see the Annual Security Report.

College of DuPage complies with the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1992 and 1998 by disclosing campus crime statistics, including any reported incidents of forcible or non-forcible sex offenses. In addition, the college complies with the law by adopting procedures for victims to follow if a sex offense occurs. Contact College of DuPage Police at (630) 942-2000, if you have questions about the reporting or disclosing procedures.

Expressive Assembly on Campus

In accordance with College Policy 3.30 Expression and Assembly, College of DuPage respects and supports the freedom of students, employees, and all members of the community to engage in peaceful expressive activities on campus, including expressive assembly.
Any student, employee or member of the community wanting to engage in an expressive assembly is required to notify the College via the Expressive Assembly Notification Form at least (3) days in advance of the event.

Concealed Carry

College of DuPage enforces State law prohibiting concealed firearms on all college campuses as well as college controlled classrooms and college sponsored events.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

In accordance with this federal law, the use of alcoholic beverages and illegal chemical substances is a major concern on college campuses across the nation. College of DuPage is committed to providing its students with information about health risks, available resources, laws and current policies regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. For more information, contact the Campus Police Department or the Dean of Students Office.

Illinois Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (P.A. 99-278)

In accordance with the Illinois Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (the “Act”, P.A. 99-278), a student’s mental health information is considered private in nature and will not be released to a third party without that student’s prior written consent, unless otherwise provided by other state or federal laws. A student who desires to authorize disclosure of certain private mental health information about himself or herself to a designated person for purposes set out in the Act must complete a Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Form.

Contact Information

Dean of Students
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1417
(630) 942-2485