group of African singers

Intercultural Events

Over the coming term, InterCultural Student Initiatives will hold events for the College community. Included for the month of February will be Black History Month. Throughout the spring term, Open Space Sessions in The Hub (Student Services Center (SSC), Room 1138) will be held for COD employees and students.

2025 Black History Month: African Americans and Labor

The 2025 Black History Month theme, African Americans and Labor, focuses on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds – free and unfree, skilled, and unskilled, vocational and voluntary – intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Indeed, work is at the very center of much of Black history and culture. Be it the traditional agricultural labor of enslaved Africans that fed Low Country colonies, debates among Black educators on the importance of vocational training, self-help strategies and entrepreneurship in Black communities, or organized labor’s role in fighting both economic and social injustice, Black people’s work has been transformational throughout the U.S., Africa, and the Diaspora. The 2025 Black History Month theme, “African Americans and Labor,” sets out to highlight and celebrate the potent impact of this work (ASALH, 2025).

Events, descriptions and locations subject to change pending current construction conditions. Refer to the Events Calendar listed at the bottom of this page.

Photo Exhibit: African Americans and Labor

Runs Feb. 10 through March 14
Location: First floor, SRC corridor across from the bookstore

Explore and engage in images and captions from past to present day stories, accomplishments and struggles of the Black community in labor.  See a few familiar images and explore the impact that the Labor of Black people have had on shaping American society.

For further discussion regarding the displayed images contact

2025 Expressions Competition

Submittals due by March 14.

Guided by a quote from an African American in the field of labor, students are invited to submit an essay, a story, piece of art, music, video, poetry, or any other form of expression. The top three submittals will be awarded and their selections will be featured on the InterCultural Student Initiatives webpage.

All COD students are invited to participate in the 2025 Black History Month “Expressions” contest.

Select a quotation, song, poem, or peace of literature by a noted African American that is relevant to the 2025 Black History Month theme “African Americans and Labor.”

Guided by your selection, express yourself! Your expression can take any form – an essay, a story, a piece of art or music, a poem, or any other form of expression that you desire.


Your expression will be evaluated based on its authentic impact and on how well it expresses your chosen content. The judging will not be objective – impress us with your knowledge, insight and ability to communicate ideas and feelings.


Submit your original work in any format (i.e. – Word document, MP3 file, YouTube video/link, photography, artwork in any medium, etc.).  Include your name, student ID, email, and your chosen content (with author / artist cited), if it is not evident in your submission.

Submissions will be received at the InterCultural Student Initiatives office in Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1500 or via email at

Review and Award of Prizes

A panel will review and select the top THREE submissions who will each receive a $600 award posted to your COD account.

Deadline for all submissions:  Friday, March 14 by 5 p.m. CST

**All written work must be substantive. Essays must be two pages minimum. Poems must be at least one full page, minimum.

**Submittals will be time stamped and will not be accepted if submitted after 5 p.m. CST on Friday, March 14.

Open Space Sessions in the Hub

Open to COD employees and students, these sessions provide important spaces for support and dialogue. Events will be posted to the Events Calendar.


InterCultural Student Initiative Events

Contact Information

InterCultural Student Initiatives (ISI)
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1500

David A. Swope Sr.
Manager, InterCultural Student Initiatives
(630) 942-2565 
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Visit COD InterCultural Student Initiatives on Instagram