yellow umbrella in a crowd photo

Crisis Resources

If you are in a crisis, refer to the resources below for assistance.

If you are on campus and experiencing an emergency, call (630) 942-2000.

If you are off campus and experiencing an emergency:

  • Dial 911 or go to nearest emergency room.
    • If you are experiencing a crisis and need to speak to a mental health professional, call one of the following 24/7 local crisis resources:
  • DuPage County Crisis Services
    • (630) 627-1700
  • Rape Crisis Hotline
    Provides survivors of sexual violence and their significant others immediate support, crisis intervention and referrals for the city of Chicago and surrounding suburbs. The volunteers and staff at the hotline have received extensive training in sexual assault crisis intervention.
    • (630) 971-3927 (DuPage)
    • (888) 293-2080 (Chicago Metro Area)
  • Domestic Violence Hotline
    Provides assistance with all domestic violence abuse services, including with orders of protection.
    • (630) 469-5650 
  • Crisis Text Line
    Text from anywhere in the United States, anytime, about any type of crisis, including Coronavirus anxiety/concerns. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds from a secure online platform. The volunteer Crisis Counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment.
    • Text “HOME” to 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (call or chat)
    Free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones and best practices for professionals.
    • (800) 273-TALK (8255) 
    • (888) 628-9454 (for Spanish speakers)
    • (800) 799-4889 (for deaf and hard of hearing)
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline
    Call to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
    • (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
  • Veterans Crisis (Call, Text, or Chat)
    Are you a veteran in crisis or concerned about one? Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are veterans themselves.
  • The Trevor Project (Call, Text, or Chat)
    Leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth.
    • (866) 488-7386
    • Text “START” to 678-678

Many people have thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives. Your feelings may seem overwhelming and like there is no way to find relief. If you are thinking about suicide, you are not alone and help is available.

  • Get immediate help.
    • If you think you might attempt suicide, get help immediately by contacting one of the resources on this page, calling 911 or by going to your nearest emergency room.
  • Make your environment safe.
    • Remove access to things you might use to harm yourself, including drugs and alcohol.
  • Get yourself to a safe place.
  • Talk to someone.
    • Call a supportive friend or family member. Often, people who feel suicidal state that they don’t reach out because they don’t want to be a burden to others. Being a supportive friend is rewarding for people and a friend would prefer to be there for you than to have you end your life.
    • Reach out to a mental health professional, your physician or a crisis hotline.
      • DuPage Crisis Line: (630) 627-1700
      • Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741-741
  • Distract yourself.
    • Read a book, complete an art project, spend time with a pet, talk with others about their lives, exercise, take a walk outside, watch a favorite movie or television show.
  • Create a list of reasons you have for living.
    • This may include a pet, family members, something you enjoy doing, future goals, responsibilities to others or anything that prevents you from acting on those suicidal thoughts.
  • Write about the things in your life that you value and appreciate.
  • Wait.
    • Make a commitment to give yourself another minute, another hour or another day before you make any decisions. Emotions that are as intense as the ones you're feeling can cloud thinking, making it harder to see possible solutions or available supports. It’s important to remember that the intensity of these feelings will not remain forever.
  • Soothe your senses.
    • Listen to calming music, eat a food you enjoy and pay attention to how it tastes and feels in your mouth or use essential oils. Try to engage as many senses as you can at the same time.
  • Consider what has helped get your this far.
    • What’s worked in the past when facing similar feelings? It may be reaching out for support, not being alone or writing in a journal.
  • Remind yourself:
    • These feelings are temporary.
    • There may not be a simple way to make everything better, but there may be one small thing you can do to take care of yourself.
    • Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just thoughts, they are not facts.
    • You’ve made it this far. You’ve survived. Don’t give up now.
Many people think about suicide because the pain they are feeling outweighs their ability to cope with that pain. Here are some things you can try to help cope:
  • Create a safety plan.
    • Having a safety plan will help guide you on what to do to keep yourself safe when experiencing a crisis.
    • Since it can be difficult to think clearly when you feel suicidal, create the safety plan when you’re feeling well and keep it accessible so you can easily reach for it when needed. It can provide comfort and focus during a time when you feel overwhelmed and out of options.
    • Include specific activities that calm and comfort you, ideas you can use to distract yourself, a list of reasons for living, important phone numbers including crisis lines, your mental health professional and/or a trusted friend/family member.
  • Make a hope box.
    • Create a box (physical or virtual) that includes things to comfort you when distressed or things to remind you of reasons to live. Some examples include photos, gifts from someone special, notes/cards, essential oils, certificates of past achievements, inspirational messages or puzzles.
  • Journal or letter writing.
    • When you are feeling more hopeful and well, write a letter to yourself to read when you are struggling to cope as a reminder that it’s possible to feel better/different and with some notes on what helped you get through it.
  • Practice self-compassion.
    • Although we are often compassionate with others, we are much harder and more critical with ourselves. Say something kind to yourself as if you were speaking to a close friend. Acknowledge your suffering and comfort yourself by saying something like, “I’m really struggling right now. It’s not abnormal to feel this way. I’m here for you.” Remember that suffering is something that all human beings experience, so you are not alone.
  • Practice deep breathing (View examples from the University of Michigan)
  • Mediate: Try this 5-minute videothis 25-minute video by COD counselor, Dr. Dennis Emano or participate in COD’s free, live guided mindfulness meditation on COD's FacebookThere are many websites that include free mindfulness videos, audios, and scripts, like these: The Free Mindfulness Project, UCLA Meditation and Tara Brach 
  • Practice regular self-care.
    • Eat a healthy diet, exercise, sleep well, limit alcohol and drugs and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Contact your mental health professional, your physician or a crisis resource on this page for help developing new coping strategies.

Contact Information

Counseling, Advising and Transfer Services
  • Counseling: Student Services Center (SSC), Room 3341
  • Advising: Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 1A02
  • Transfer Services: Student Services Center (SSC), Room 2200
Phone: (630) 942-2259
Ask an advisor a quick question.

Main Campus Hours:
  • Monday and Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
COD Centers Hours

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InstagramInstagram: @counselingadvisingcod

InstagramInstagram: @codtransferservices

FacebookFacebook: @codcounselingadvising