Free English Language Acquisition (ELA) classes develop your conversation, listening and speaking, reading and writing skills. Get more involved in your community, gain skills for improved employment and further your educational opportunities through COD's ELA program. Classes and books are free.
There are seven course levels, beginning through high to intermediate. Classes meet four to 10 hours per week online and at more than 25 locations throughout the district during the morning, afternoon and evening.
All ELA students are required to complete a placement test prior to starting their classes. Find a testing location.
Free ELA Support Services
All ELA students enrolled in a COD class can receive up to three, one-on-one ELA Support appointments per week. Schedule a 45-minute appointment through Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance.
Weekly Conversation Circles give ELA students an opportunity to discuss a range of topics in smaller groups, learn new vocabulary and build English speaking confidence. Visit the ELA/ELS Services webpage for dates and times.
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After Completing ELA
Once you've successfully completed the ELA program, you may:
Prepare for College-level Classes
Students can register in the Academic English Language Studies (ELS) program to obtain the English skills necessary to take college-level classes and start a degree program.
Achieve High School Equivalency
The Adult Basic Education (ABE)/High School Equivalency (HSE) program allows students lacking a high school diploma to build their reading, writing and math skills in order to pass the exam to obtain a high school equivalency certificate.
Pursue a New Career Path
College of DuPage offers numerous certificate programs which, upon completion, provide the qualifications necessary to obtain employment in industries such as health care, information technology, criminal justice or hospitality.
Academic English Language Studies (ELS)
The Academic ELS program provides English language instruction for students whose native language is not English. For Academic ELS, call (630) 942-2047 or email
Contact Information
Adult Education and ELA Office
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1110
(630) 942-3697
If you are attempting to register for a class, leave a message and Adult Education
staff will return your call as soon as possible. You can also reach us by email at or at any time.