Professor pointing to screen

Faculty Development Services

The Teaching Commons provides numerous resources for faculty to expand their teaching skills and approaches. A variety of professional development opportunities exist through consultations, research, the FPD Advisory Committee, Instructional Design and more.


Individual Conversations and Consultations

The Faculty Chair of Professional Development is available for one-on-one conversations or consultations with individual faculty members at all stages of professional development and experience.

These sessions are voluntary and confidential.

Consultations can address a range of goals, topics, or concerns related to student learning and teaching effectiveness, including, but not limited to:

  • Course and syllabus design
  • Classroom learning environments
  • Course-related materials and activities
  • Student motivation, exams, and other methods of assessing learning
  • Use of student mid-semester formative evaluations
  • Interpretation of students’ course evaluations
  • Digital technology

These conversations and consultations are meant to provide a supportive and collaborative relationship that a colleague can draw upon as they develop or extend their teaching skills and approaches. For that reason, our relationship complements other formative evaluation procedures and faculty development programs, and are completely independent of any summative evaluation of teaching effectiveness. All conversations and consultations are confidential unless the colleague wishes to involve other colleagues.

Program or Group Consultations

The Chair of FPD can work with department chairs, program chairs, and others to plan for and provide focus groups.

Instructional Design

What is Instructional Design?

Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.

Take advantage of the in-house instructional design experts staffed in the Learning Technologies and Employee Development Center.

Instructional design services from the Employee Development Center include providing best practices that will help you create activities that are instructionally-sound while ensuring your course learning objectives/outcomes are met.

Instructional design services from Learning Technologies include best practices for teaching in various course modalities (online, hybrid, face-to-face). Also included are:

  • Course development and revision
  • Promoting student engagement
  • Developing accessible content
  • Promoting effective communication techniques
  • Establishing instructor presence
  • Designing and developing course multimedia

Contact Information

Faculty Chair of Professional Development
(630) 942-2383
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1107

Learning Technologies
(630) 942-2490
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 3401

Adjunct Faculty Support
Berg Instructional Center (BIC), Room 2051

Employee Development Center
(630) 942-3805
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 1105/1107