Students outside working at a table

Final Course Grades

Final course grades are available through myACCESS/Student Planning and Chap App. The following guides can help you review your grades: 

Final term grades will be posted within one week of the course end date. If you need an official grade report, complete and submit the Final Grade Report Request Form.

View Grades

Questions and/or errors regarding grades must be reported to your instructor or the Division office within 45 days of the end of the semester. 

Grade Points Per Credit

Grading System
Grade Description Grade Points per Credit
A High degree of excellence in achievement 4
B Better than average achievement 3
C Average/acceptable achievement 2
D Minimum standard of achievement 1
S Satisfactory 0
SP Satisfactory/Pass 0
F Failure 0
I Incomplete 0
W Withdrawal 0
X Audit 0
Blank See Below 0
R Repeated course (See #7.) 0


  1. Contact your instructor if you believe the grade assigned for a particular course is not correct.
  2. If the grade is blank and the course was completed by the last day of the term, contact the Office of Student Records at (630) 942-2440/2445. If the course did not end by the last day of the term, the blank is temporary and will be changed to a grade when the instructor submits the grades to the Office of Student Records.
  3. Refer to the College of DuPage Catalog, Academic Information, Academic Policy, for restrictions and time limitations for completion of "I" (incomplete) grades. 
  4. The "S" (satisfactory) grade earns credit but is not computed in the grade point average. The "S" grade may not be changed to a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) nor may a letter grade be changed to "S." Contact the Graduation department at ext. 2261 for restrictions in the applicability of "S" grades toward degree requirements.
  5. The “SP” (satisfactory/pass) grade was issued in the 2020 Spring semester due to the sudden change to remote instruction. It can be used to satisfy any prerequisite and graduation requirement, subject to published degree/certificate limitations.
  6. The "X" (audit) grade does not earn credit and is not computed in the grade point average.
  7. If the grade is "R," it indicates that you were assigned a grade for the same course that was either the same or a higher grade than the grade assigned in that term. "R" grades earn no credit are not calculated into the term or cumulative GPA. The "R" grade ceased being used to indicate repeated courses after the Spring 2009 semester.
  8. Beginning with the Summer 2009 Semester, repeated courses are indicated with a "R" next to the assigned grade on your official transcript. This indicates that you repeated the course and received the same or a higher grade. The cumulative GPA no longer reflects the original grade received as of the term it was retaken. Repeated courses will be granted credit only once except as noted in the "Course Descriptions" section of the Catalog.
  9. Courses that are identified as Repeatable for Credit will have the grade and credit recorded until the allowable maximum credits are earned. Subsequent grades in the same course will not earn credit and will not be included in the cumulative GPA as of the term it was retaken.
  10. Please note the following: Repeats of courses taken before the 1983 Fall Quarter may not be reflected. If you believe the Repeat has not been identified, contact the Office of Student Records at (630) 942-2440/2445.
  11. Beginning with the 1985 Fall Quarter, courses numbered below 100 earn credit but are not computed in the GPA. Prior to the 1985 Fall Quarter, these courses were computed in the GPA. Note that credit earned in any course numbered below 100 is not applicable to any degree or certificate at College of DuPage.
  12. Effective Fall 2005, College of DuPage changed from the quarter system to the semester system. Courses numbered below 1000 (Example: Math 0481) are not computed in the Grade Point Average. Courses numbered below 1000 are not applicable to any degree or certificate at College of DuPage.


Contact Information

Office of Student Records
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2150

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: (630) 942-3838
FAX: (630) 942-3693
Prerequisites: (630) 942-2260

Email contacts:
Student Records:
Official COD Transcripts:
Transcript Evaluation:
High School Transcripts:

Individuals who need language assistance, call Campus Central at (630) 942-3000 or email