students sitting in a classroom listening to instructor

Office of Student Records

The Office of Student Records maintains and updates all academic records for students including evaluating transcripts from other institutions, issuing official transcripts for COD and Lyons Township Junior College and reviewing and approving applications for degrees and certificates.

Student Records can also verify student enrollment for employment, loan deferments and insurance purposes, provide proof of prerequisite or run a degree audit.

Run a Degree Audit

Students can run a degree audit online through their myACCESS account, also available in the student portal. An online degree audit shows your progress toward completion of a degree or certificate at College of DuPage and the course options available to satisfy your remaining requirements.

Submit Your Transcripts

Transcripts are considered official only if they are mailed in a sealed envelope and identified as official by the sending institution. Your transcripts can be mailed to: 

College of DuPage
Office of Student Records
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Once your high school transcripts, college transcripts or international transcript evaluations are sent to College of DuPage for review they become the property of COD and will not be returned. If you have questions email for assistance.

Institutions may send transcripts electronically through any of the major exchange networks or by email:

Transcripts sent by email from the student, even if from a college email account, are not considered official documents.

View Final Course Grades

Final course grades can be accessed online through your myACCESS account. Questions or grading errors must be reported to your instructor or the division office within 45 days of the end of the semester. 

Final course grades can be accessed online through your secure myACCESS account.

Other Student Record Services

Course Descriptions

A course description is a written explanation of a course that includes topics covered, credit hours and lecture/lab hours. This is taken directly from the College of DuPage Catalog. Course descriptions are most often used when transferring your COD credits to another college or university. The school may need extra information regarding the courses you completed when evaluating your transcript.

To obtain a course description, visit the College of DuPage Catalog. For classes taken prior to the current Catalog, submit the Course Description Request Form. There is no fee for this service.

Course Syllabus

A course syllabus communicates the instructor’s course design (i.e. goals, organization, policies, expectations, requirements) to the students enrolled in the course. To obtain a course syllabus, contact the appropriate divisional office:

Contact Information

Office of Student Records
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2150

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: (630) 942-3838
FAX: (630) 942-3693
Prerequisites: (630) 942-2260

Email contacts:
Student Records:
Official COD Transcripts:
Transcript Evaluation:
High School Transcripts:

For individuals who need language assistance, complete the Language Assistance Inquiry form.